Installs and configures the task management tool taskwarrior.
Role Variables
The variables for configuring this role are:
# Defines for which user taskwarrior shall be configured
# (This variable defaults to the value of the variable "ansible_user_id")
taskwarrior_user_id: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
# Set to true, if an hourly cronjob for syncing taskwarrior shall be configured
# (The default value is "false")
# Configuration for taskwarrior
# Name of taskserver's certificate (taskd.ca)
# Name of client's certifiacte (taskd.certificate)
# Name of client's key (taskd.key)
You can find more variables for a more specialized configuration in defaults/main.yml
However, these variables might change in the future since they aren't considered part of the officially supported variables.
Example Playbook
- hosts: localhost
- taskwarrior
taskwarrior_user_id: myusername
taskwarrior_ca_certificate: ca.cert.pem
taskwarrior_client_certificate: first_last.cert.pem
taskwarrior_client_key: first_last.key.pem
taskwarrior_cronjob_sync: true
taskwarrior_configuration: |
# -- My configuration of taskwarrior --
color.tag.important=bold white on rgb010
context.work=project:work or +important
The taskwarrior configuration can also be read from a file using the file lookup plugin or from a template with the template lookup plugin:
taskwarrior_configuration: "{{ lookup('file', 'my_config.conf') }}"
Syncing to a taskserver
With the following variables you provide the names of certificates which are needed in order to connect to a taskserver. If those variables are set, the certificates are copied to the remote machine. Note that you want to protect them properly (e.g. with Ansible vault:
taskwarrior_ca_certificate: ca.cert.pem
taskwarrior_client_certificate: first_last.cert.pem
taskwarrior_client_key: first_last.key.pem
This role automatically sets the configuration settings taskd.ca
, taskd.key
and taskd.certificate
However you need to add the missing configuration settings for using a taskserver in the variable taskwarrior_configuration
taskwarrior_configuration: |
In the taskwarrior documentation you can find more information for configuring taskwarrior with a taskserver.
Dependencies and Requirements
This role has no dependencies or requirements.
To the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this software stored under https://github.com/kulla/ansible-role-taskwarrior. Thus, I publish this software under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. This software is published from Germany.
Author Information
The main author is Stephan Kulla. Thanks to nkakouros for his contributions.
Installs and configures taskwarrior
ansible-galaxy install kulla.taskwarrior