

ansible-centos.yml ansible-debian.yml ansible-fedora.yml ansible-lint.yml ansible-test.yml ansible-ubuntu.yml markdownlint.yml shellcheck.yml tft.yml tft_citest_bad.yml woke.yml

An Ansible role for managing ssh clients configuration.


This role should work on any system that provides openssh client and is supported by ansible. The role was tested on:

  • RHEL/CentOS 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Fedora
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

Collection requirements

In order to manage rpm-ostree systems, the role requires modules from external collections. Use the following command to install them:

ansible-galaxy collection install -vv -r meta/collection-requirements.yml

Role Variables

By default, the role should not modify the system configuration and generate global ssh_config that matches OS default (the generated configuration does not keep comments and order of the options).


By default (null) the role will modify the global configuration for all users. Other values will be interpreted as a username and the role will modify per-user configuration stored under ~/.ssh/config of the given user. The user needs to exist before invoking this role otherwise it will fail.


By default (auto), the role writes the system-wide configuration file /etc/ssh/ssh_config and keeps OS defaults defined there (true). This is automatically disabled, when a drop-in configuration file is created (ssh_drop_in_name!=null) or when per-user configuration file is created (ssh_user!=null).


This defines the name for the drop-in configuration file to be placed in system-wide drop-in directory. The name is used in the template /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/{name}.conf to reference the configuration file to be modified. If the system does not support drop-in directory, setting this option will make the play fail. Default is null if the system does not support drop in directory and 00-ansible otherwise.

The suggested format is NN-name, where NN is two-digit number used for sorting the and name is any descriptive name for the content or the owner of the file.

ssh dict

A dict containing configuration options and respective values. See example below.

  • ssh_...:

Simple variables consisting of the option name prefixed with ssh_ can be used rather than a dict above. The simple variable overrides values in dict above.


This role automatically installs packages needed for most common use cases on given platform. If some additional packages need to be installed (for example openssh-keysign for host-based authentication), they can be specified in this variable.


The configuration file that will be written by this role. The default is defined by template /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/{name}.conf if system has drop-in directory or /etc/ssh/ssh_config otherwise. If ssh_user!=null, the default is ~/.ssh/config.

To write /etc/ssh/ssh_config even if a drop-in directory is supported, set ssh_drop_in_name to null.

ssh_config_owner, ssh_config_group, ssh_config_mode

The owner, group and mode of the created configuration file. The files are owned by root:root with mode 0644 by default, unless ssh_user!=null. In that case, the mode is 0600 and owner and group are derived from username given in ssh_user variable.


When set to false, the original ssh_config file is not backed up. Default is true.


This variable is used to handle reboots required by transactional updates. If a transactional update requires a reboot, the role will proceed with the reboot if ssh_transactional_update_reboot_ok is set to true. If set to false, the role will notify the user that a reboot is required, allowing for custom handling of the reboot requirement. If this variable is not set, the role will fail to ensure the reboot requirement is not overlooked.

Example Playbook

The following playbook configures the root user ssh configuration in his

home directory to use compression, control-master multiplexing and enable GSSAPI authentication in the "match final all" block. Additionally, it creates alias "example" for connecting to the host as a user somebody. The last line disables X11 forwarding.

- name: Manage ssh clients
  hosts: all
  - name: Configure ssh clients
      name: linux-system-roles.ssh
      ssh_user: root
        Compression: true
        # wokeignore:rule=master
        ControlMaster: auto
        ControlPath: ~/.ssh/.cm%C
          - Condition: "final all"
            GSSAPIAuthentication: true
          - Condition: example
            User: somebody
      ssh_ForwardX11: false

More examples are in the examples/ directory.




LGPLv3, see the file LICENSE for more information.

Author Information

Jakub Jelen, 2021 - 2023