
Install Google Cloud SDK

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This Ansible role to install Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu and macOS development machines.

Do not use this on production servers.

Installation location

The role installs Cloud SDK by default into ~/google-cloud-sdk.

To install to another location, change the gcloud_install_dir variable. It will be used as the installation directory relative to the user home directory.

For example to install into ~/opt/google-cloud-sdk, you can set:

# Install to ~/opt/google-cloud-sdk
gcloud_install_dir: "/opt"

For backwards compatibility, the role will automatically detect existing installation in ~/opt/google-cloud-sdk and default to this location if found.

Prefer Python 3

The current Google Cloud SDK installer will look for available Python versions and prefer python2 over python3.

You can enable python3 to be preferred over python2 during install.

gcloud_prefer_python3: true

Install using package manager

To install Cloud SDK from the package manager where available, enable it in Ansible configuration:

# Install Cloud SDK from APT
gcloud_install_from_package_manager: true

This is only supported on Debian-based systems with APT repositories.

Changes to shell config files

This role makes changes to the .bashrc and .zshrc files if these exist in your home directory. It will resolve any symbolic links to your dotfiles when making changes.

Code completion for gcloud command is loaded with all installation options.

If you're managing your shell scripts .dotfiles or are using a framework, you should set gcloud_setup_shell to false and update these files yourself to keep them clean.

# Do not mess with my dotfiles!
gcloud_setup_shell: false

Configuring bash manually

Reference .bashrc configuration when installed into ~/google-cloud-sdk using the archive:

if [ -d "$HOME/google-cloud-sdk" ]; then
  export CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR="$HOME/google-cloud-sdk"
  # Update PATH for the Google Cloud SDK.
  source $CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR/path.bash.inc
  # Enable bash completion for gcloud.
  source $CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR/completion.bash.inc

If your .bashrc already has a export CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR= line, the file will not be modified.

Reference .bashrc configuration when installed from APT:

if [ -d "/usr/share/google-cloud-sdk" ]; then
  # Enable zsh completion for gcloud.
  source /usr/share/google-cloud-sdk/completion.bash.inc

Configuring zsh manually

Reference .zshrc configuration when installed into ~/google-cloud-sdk using the archive:

if [ -d "$HOME/google-cloud-sdk" ]; then
  export CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR="$HOME/google-cloud-sdk"
  # Update PATH for the Google Cloud SDK.
  source $CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR/path.zsh.inc
  # Enable zsh completion for gcloud.
  source $CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR/completion.zsh.inc

If your .zshrc already has a export CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR= line, the file will not be modified.

Reference .zshrc configuration when installed from APT:

if [ -d "/usr/share/google-cloud-sdk" ]; then
  # Enable zsh completion for gcloud.
  source /usr/share/google-cloud-sdk/completion.zsh.inc

Update release

Update Cloud SDK version in Ansible variables:

make update

Coding style

Install pre-commit hooks and validate coding style:

make lint

Run tests

Run tests in Ubuntu and Debian using Docker:

make test



Installation script is based on ansible/role-install-gcloud Ansible role by @chouseknecht.



Install Google Cloud SDK

ansible-galaxy install markosamuli/ansible-gcloud
GitHub repository
Random hacker. Engineering at @echo-health