Ansible Role: marvel-nccr.aiida
An ansible role that installs and configures AiiDA on Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora.
The role:
- Installs and starts the PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ services
- Installs a designated Python version
- Creates an 'aiida' Python virtual environment and installs aiida-core and plugins into it
- Creates a 'jupyter' Python virtual environment and installs Jupyter and Jupyter Lab into it, then links the virtual environment as a kernel.
- Adds virtualenwrapper for managing the virtual environments.
- Creates an AiiDA profile and starts the daemon
- Starts the AiiDA REST API
- Sets up localhost codes for the AiiDA plugins (where code paths are defined)
- Sets up pseudopotential families in the AiiDA profile
ansible-galaxy install marvel-nccr.aiida
Role Variables
See defaults/main.yml
Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- role: marvel-nccr.aiida
For full use of JupyterLab, install nodejs, e.g. using geerlingguy.nodejs:
- hosts: servers
- include_role:
name: geerlingguy.nodejs
nodejs_version: 12.x
nodejs_install_npm_user: root
- include_role:
name: marvel-nccr.aiida
Note: When building a Docker container, the variable jupyter_ip: ""
should be set, for aiida-jupyterlab
to correctly expose the port.
Once run, the user can "activate" the aiida environment in the terminal using:
$ workon aiida
(aiida) $ verdi status
verdi status
✔ config dir: /root/.aiida
✔ profile: On profile name-with-dashes
✔ repository: /root/.aiida/repository/name-with-dashes
✔ postgres: Connected as aiida@localhost:5432
✔ rabbitmq: Connected as amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672?heartbeat=600
✔ daemon: Daemon is running as PID 9484 since 2020-11-30 21:51:30
To start a jupyter lab server:
$ aiida-jupyterlab
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
Development and testing
This role uses Molecule and Docker for tests.
After installing Docker:
Clone the repository into a package named marvel-nccr.aiida
(the folder must be named the same as the Ansible Galaxy name)
git clone marvel-nccr.aiida
cd marvel-nccr.aiida
Then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt # Installs molecule
molecule test # runs tests
or use tox (see tox.ini
pip install tox
To manually test the created docker container, first run:
tox converge
This will run the ansible role, leaving the container running. The recommended way to interact with the container is then to use the VS Code Docker extension. Using this you can then attach a visual studio code instance:
Inside the container run aiida-jupyterlab
, and you will be able to access the supplied URL from your local browser.
When you are finished with the container, destroy the container with:
tox destroy
Code style
Code style is formatted and linted with pre-commit.
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run -all
Deployment to Ansible Galaxy is automated via GitHub Actions.
Simply tag a release vX.Y.Z
to initiate the CI and release workflow.
Note, the release will only complete if the CI tests pass.
Please direct inquiries regarding Quantum Mobile and associated ansible roles to the AiiDA mailinglist.
An ansible role that installs and configures [AiiDA]( on Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora.
ansible-galaxy install marvel-nccr.aiida