

Build Status Ansible Galaxy License

Ansible Galaxy role to manage and run a sabnzbd docker container.

This role wires together the sabnzbd docker container created by linuxserver, along with various boilerplate to get things going.


This role has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and will likely only work on an Ubuntu-like system. You will also need a functioning docker environment and a recent-is version of docker-py for this role to work.

If you have neither and would like ansible to set this up for you, have a look at the marvinpinto.docker Galaxy role.

Role Variables

# Sabnzbd host port
docker_sabnzbd_exposed_port: '8080'

# Docker container name
docker_sabnzbd_container_name: 'sabnzbd'

# Directory that will be used as the root of all sabnzbd-related configuration
# & data. Note that these sub-directories *will* be automatically created if
# they don't already exist.
# So, assuming 'docker_sabnzbd_mounted_directory' is set to:
# /tmp/sabnzbd_mount, the following directories will be created automatically:
# /tmp/sabnzbd_mount/config
# /tmp/sabnzbd_mount/downloads
# /tmp/sabnzbd_mount/incomplete-downloads
docker_sabnzbd_mounted_directory: '/tmp/sabnzbd_mount'


Install this module from Ansible Galaxy into the './roles' directory:

ansible-galaxy install marvinpinto.docker-sabnzbd -p ./roles

Use it in a playbook as follows:

- hosts: ''
    - role: 'marvinpinto.docker-sabnzbd'
      become: true

Mounted Directory

The reasoning behind storing all related configuration in the docker_sabnzbd_mounted_directory root directory is because a person now has the ability to manage all the configuration + data outside of Ansible.

This becomes especially useful when said mounted directory resides on a separate filesystem (EBS, USB disk, etc).


Ansible Galaxy role to manage and run the sabnzbd docker container.

ansible-galaxy install marvinpinto/ansible-role-docker-sabnzbd
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