
Ansible Role: ibm_java_sdk

Installs/Upgrades IBM Java SDK version 8 on the following Operating Systems:

  • Enterprise Linux 7/8/9


This role requires the community.general Ansible collection. If not already installed, you can install it using the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

Role Variables

The following table lists the configurable variables for this role, their default values, and descriptions:

Variable Required Default Value Comments
ibm_java_sdk_file_ext No Dynamic based on version File extension for the installer, determined by the SDK version. Defined in vars/main.yml.
ibm_java_sdk_gpg_check No Dynamic based on version Whether to perform a GPG check on the RPM package, dependent on the SDK version. Defined in vars/main.yml.
ibm_java_sdk_installer No Dynamic based on version URL or local path, including filename, of the installer.
ibm_java_sdk_path No /opt/ibm/java-x86_64-80 Path where the IBM Java SDK is installed on the target system.
ibm_java_sdk_set_default_java_path No /usr/bin/java Path used by alternatives to set the IBM Java SDK as the default Java interpreter.
ibm_java_sdk_set_default_java No false If true, sets IBM Java as the system's default Java interpreter.
ibm_java_sdk_sha1sums No SHA1 checksums listed below Map of Java installer filenames to their SHA1 checksums for integrity verification.
ibm_java_sdk_version No 8.0-8.21 The version of the IBM Java SDK to install.

Special Variable Notes:

  • Installer Path and Filename:

    • The default path and filename for the installer are dynamically determined by the SDK version.
    • For versions prior to 8.0-8.15, the installer uses a .bin file extension.
    • For versions 8.0-8.15 and later, the installer is provided as a .x86_64.rpm file.
  • SHA1 Checksums:

    • SHA1 checksums are provided within defaults/main.yml.
    • These areused for verifying the integrity of the downloaded SDK installer.
  • File Extension and GPG Check:

    • Both the file extension and the GPG verification settings are set dynamically, depending on the Java SDK version.
    • These settings are defined in vars/main.yml.


This role has no external dependencies.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    ibm_java_sdk_version: "8.0-8.21"
    ibm_java_sdk_installer: "files/ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-{{ ibm_java_sdk_version }}.{{ 'bin' if ibm_java_sdk_version is version('8.0-8.15', '<') else 'x86_64.rpm' }}"
      - ibm_java_sdk



Author Information

Mattias Jonsson


An Ansible role that handles installation/upgrade of IBM Java 8 SDK on supported distributions.

ansible-galaxy install mattias-jonsson/ansible_role_ibm_java_sdk
GitHub repository
DevOps, scripting and automation enthusiast.