

Build Status

Ansible role which manages various options/configurations in Jenkins.


  • A Jenkins service plus any plugin that you plan to configure.
  • The ability to execute jenkins_script against said Jenkins service.

Role Variables

IMPORTANT: When specified, most of these variables will overwrite previously set Jenkins options. Be mindful that you don't lose any setting, that you have previously set up.

jenkins_config_url: http://localhost:8080
jenkins_config_user: admin
jenkins_config_password: admin

The URL, username and password for authenticating with Jenkins. Will be used to execute jenkins_script.

jenkins_config_csrf_enabled: null

CSRF Protection state to set in Jenkins settings. Set doesn't happen, unless one of the supported values is specified.

Supported values:

  • true
  • false

jenkins_config_global_environment_variables: []
# jenkins_config_global_environment_variables:
#   - name: FOO
#     value: bar
#   - name: TOKEN
#     value: xxxyyyzzz

Jenkins Global Environment variables to set in Jenkins settings. Set doesn't happen if list is empty.

jenkins_config_pipeline_durability: ''

Pipeline Default Speed/Durability Level to set in Jenkins settings. Set doesn't happen, unless one of the supported values is specified.

Supported values:

  • max_survivability
  • performance_optimized
  • survivable_nonatomic

jenkins_config_simple_theme_css_url: ''
# jenkins_config_simple_theme_css_url:

URL of theme CSS to set in Jenkins Simple Theme settings. Set doesn't happen, if this value is empty.

jenkins_config_jenkins_url: ''

Jenkins URL to set in Jenkins settings. Set doesn't happen, if this value is empty.

jenkins_config_system_admin_email: ''

System Admin e-mail address to set in Jenkins settings. Set doesn't happen, if this value is empty.

jenkins_config_global_pipeline_libraries: []
# jenkins_config_global_pipeline_libraries:
#   - name: global-pipeline-library
#     default_version: master
#     load_implicitly: false
#     allow_default_version_override: true
#     scm_git_path: '[email protected]:example/global-pipeline-library.git'
#     scm_credentials_id: jenkins-ssh

Global Pipeline Libraries to set in Jenkins settings. All fields should contain a non-null value (empty / 0 / etc. depending on type). Set doesn't happen if list is empty.

Mandatory fields (cannot be empty):

  • name
  • scm_git_path
  • scm_credentials_id

jenkins_config_email_notification: null
# jenkins_config_email_notification:
#   smtp_server:
#   default_user_email_suffix:
#   smtp_auth_username: example
#   smtp_auth_password: "{{ secret_smtp_password }}"
#   use_ssl: false
#   smtp_port: 465
#   reply_to_address: ''
#   charset: UTF-8

E-mail Notification values to set in Jenkins settings. All fields should contain a non-null value (empty / 0 / etc. depending on type). Set doesn't happen, if jenkins_config_email_notification.smtp_server is undefined.

jenkins_config_credentials: []
# jenkins_config_credentials:
#   - kind: ssh_username_with_private_key
#     id: jenkins-ssh
#     username: jenkins
#     private_key: "{{ secret_key }}"
#     passphrase: ''
#     description: Key added from Ansible

Credentials to set in the Global scope. All fields should contain a non-null value (empty / 0 / etc. depending on type). Set doesn't happen if list is empty.

Mandatory fields (cannot be empty):

  • kind
  • id

Supported kind and extra fields needed for it:

  • username_with_password
    • id : string
    • username : string
    • password : string
    • description : string
  • ssh_username_with_private_key
    • id : string
    • username : string
    • private_key : string
    • passphrase : string
    • description : string

jenkins_config_nodes: []
# jenkins_config_nodes:
#   - name: slave0
#     description: Node added from Ansible
#     num_of_executors: 2
#     remote_root_directory: /var/lib/jenkins
#     labels: labels separated by spaces
#     usage: exclusive
#     launch_method:
#       type: via_ssh
#       host:
#       port: 22
#       credentials_id: jenkins-ssh
#       verification_strategy:
#         type: manually_trusted_key
#         require_initial_manual_trust: true
#     availability:
#       type: always
#     environment_variables: # optional definition
#       - name: FOO
#         value: bar
#     disable_deferred_wipeout: true # optional definition

Nodes to set in Jenkins. All defined fields should contain a non-null value (empty / 0 / etc. depending on type). Set doesn't happen if list is empty.

Mandatory fields (cannot be empty):

  • name
  • num_of_executors
  • remote_root_directory
  • usage
  • launch_method
  • availability

Supported usage values:

  • normal
  • exclusive

Supported launch_method : type and extra fields needed for it:

  • via_command
    • command : string
  • via_ssh
    • host : string
    • port : integer
    • credentials_id : string
    • Supported verification_strategy : type and extra fields needed for it:
      • known_hosts_file
      • manually_provided_key
        • ssh_key : string
      • manually_trusted_key
        • require_initial_manual_trust : boolean
      • non_verifying

Supported availability : type and extra fields needed for it:

  • always
  • schedule
    • startup_schedule : string
    • scheduled_uptime : integer
    • keep_up_when_active : boolean
  • demand
    • in_demand_delay : integer
    • idle_delay : integer

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - { role: meierw.jenkins_config }



Author Information

ansible-galaxy install meierw/jenkins-config
GitHub repository