Ansible HashiCorp
Install HashiCorp software using official packages, official zip files, and distro packages.
Installs and updates the following HashiCorp software:
- Boundary
- Consul
- Consul Template
- EnvConsul
- Nomad
- Packer
- Sentinel
- Serf
- Terraform
- Vagrant
- Vault
- Vault SSH Helper
- Waypoint
This role may eventually manage some HashiCorp software, but the current focus is exclusively the installation of HashiCorp software in a secure, consistent, and reproducible manner.
- Ansible >= 2.9.0
- Facts must be gathered (gather_facts: true)
Role Variables
By default, this role installs no software. Each piece of software must be specifically enabled.
The following variables can be defined to install specific HashiCorp software:
hashicorp_install_boundary: true
hashicorp_install_consul: true
hashicorp_install_consul_template: true
hashicorp_install_envconsul: true
hashicorp_install_nomad: true
hashicorp_install_packer: true
hashicorp_install_sentinel: true
hashicorp_install_serf: true
hashicorp_install_terraform: true
hashicorp_install_vagrant: true
hashicorp_install_vault: true
hashicorp_install_vault_ssh_helper: true
hashicorp_install_waypoint: true
Alternatively, HashiCorp software can be specified using the "hashicorp_install" variable when calling this role. When "hashicorp_install" is specified, the hashicorp_install_* variables above will be ignored. This syntax also supports optionally specifying a version:
- name: Include mesaguy.hashicorp to install specific software
name: mesaguy.hashicorp
# Install Consul version 1.0.0
- consul==1.0.0
# Install the latest versions of packer and vault
- packer
- vault
HashiCorp ZIP file installs
By default, this role installs HashiCorp's ZIP files containing pre-compiled binaries using the variables below
Software is installed to this base directory. For instance, the consul version 1.0.0 binary would be installed to /opt/hashicorp/consul/1.0.0/consul
hashicorp_base_dir: /opt/hashicorp
Symlinks to each binary are created here:
hashicorp_software_link_dir: /usr/local/bin
Validate the GPG signatures on all release ZIP files (default: false). This requires the "gpg" command to be available. If the HashiCorp GPG release public key is missing, this role will automatically add the GPG public key to the "root" users GPG keyring:
hashicorp_check_gpg_signatures: true
Purge all except the latest software release (default: false):
hashicorp_purge_old_releases: true
Change the user who owns the software, defaults to the options below:
hashicorp_user: root
hashicorp_group: root
If a local mirror of the HashiCorp software is available, you can "HASHICORP_MIRROR" and/or "HASHICORP_GPG_MIRROR" environmental variables or the following ansible variables. The "hashicorp_gpg_mirror" variable only affects where GPG signature files are sourced:
hashicorp_mirror: hashicorp_gpg_mirror:
Use HashiCorp packages instead of ZIP files
When enabled, use HashiCorp's official RPM/DEB packages instead of HashiCorp's official ZIP files, defaults to false:
hashicorp_use_official_packages: true
This option applies to the following distro releases and architectures:
Distro | Release | Architectures |
AmazonLinux | 2 | amd64/x86_64 |
Debian | Jessie (8) | amd64/x86_64 |
Debian | Stretch (9) | amd64/x86_64 |
Debian | Buster (10) | amd64/x86_64 |
Fedora | 29 | amd64/x86_64 |
Fedora | 30 | amd64/x86_64 |
Fedora | 31 | amd64/x86_64 |
Fedora | 32 | amd64/x86_64 |
Fedora | 33 | amd64/x86_64 |
RHEL | 7 | amd64/x86_64 |
RHEL | 8 | amd64/x86_64 |
Ubuntu | Bionic (18.04) | amd64/x86_64 |
Ubuntu hashicorp_use_official_packages: | Eoam (19.10) | amd64/x86_64 |
Ubuntu | Focal (20.04) | amd64/x86_64 |
Ubuntu | Groovy (20.10) | amd64/x86_64 |
Ubuntu | Xenial (16.04) | amd64/x86_64 |
Purge HashiCorp software installed via ZIP files, defaults to false:
hashicorp_purge_zip_releases: true
A local apt mirror can be specified using the "hashicorp_apt_mirror" ansible variable or "HASHICORP_APT_MIRROR" environmental variable:
A local yum mirror can be specified using the "hashicorp_yum_mirror" ansible variable or "HASHICORP_YUM_MIRROR" environmental variable:
State to keep HashiCorp software in, defaults to "present":
hashicorp_software_state: latest
When install HashiCorp's binary zip files, software version using the following syntax:
hashicorp_nomad_version: 1.0.1
hashicorp_vault_version: 1.0.1
Use Distro packages instead of ZIP files
When enabled, use the distro's (potentially unofficial) packages instead of HashiCorp's official ZIP files, defaults to false:
hashicorp_use_distro_packages: true
Currently, this option applies to ArchLinux only
Purge HashiCorp software installed via ZIP files, defaults to false:
hashicorp_purge_zip_releases: true
The yum testing repository can be enabled via:
hashicorp_enable_yum_test_repo: true
Example Playbook
The following example would install 'Consul' and 'Vault' software:
- hosts: servers
hashicorp_install_consul: true
hashicorp_install_vault: true
- { role: mesaguy.hashicorp }
Release management
Updating default software versions
Default software release versions are controlled by the 'vars/versions.yml' and 'docker_versions.yml' files.
These files can be updated manually or by running the scripts/update_versions
Tests are run via molecule.
You will need pipenv installed and docker running in order to test.
Initialize the pipenv environment by running the following in the base directory of this repo:
pipenv install
The following can be used for basic validation. The first tests a normal install and the second scenario ensures GPG validation works:
IMAGE_DISTRO=debian IMAGE_TAG=debian-10 pipenv run molecule test
IMAGE_DISTRO=debian IMAGE_TAG=debian-10 pipenv run molecule test -s gpg
Selinux errors can generally be solved with:
pipenv run pip uninstall selinux -y; pipenv install
MIT See the LICENSE file
Author Information
securely install the latest hashicorp software
ansible-galaxy install mesaguy.hashicorp