

Role: auth

auth role is created for deploy centralized authentication using openldap+MIT kerberos+sssd.

Copyright (C) 2023 Mikhail Shurutov

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


This role requires python v3 because python v2 is out of live.

Role Variables

Role has many variables. For details see defaults/main.yml


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.

Using a Role

Variables Used

  • ANSIBLE_ROOT_DIR is path for static content: roles,configs,etc, for example: /data/ansible
  • ANSIBLE_ROOT_ROLE_DIR is path in roles_path config variable, for example: /data/ansible/roles
    Content of my ~/.ansible.cfg:
# additional paths to search for roles in, colon separated
#roles_path    = /etc/ansible/roles
roles_path    = /data/ansible/roles

Install role

GIT repo

user@host ~ $ cd $ANSIBLE_ROOT_ROLE_DIR
user@host roles $ git clone auth

Ansible galaxy

Installation from command
user@host ~ $ cd $ANSIBLE_ROOT_DIR
user@host ansible $ ansible-galaxy role install mshurutov.auth -p roles
Installation from requirements.yml
user@host ~ $ cd $ANSIBLE_ROOT_DIR
user@host ansible $ grep auth requirements.yml
- name: mshurutov.auth
user@host ansible $ ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yml -p roles

Example Playbook

Role installed as git repo

- hosts: all
     - role: auth
       tags: auth

Role installed by ansible-galaxy

- hosts: all
     - role: mshurutov.auth
       tags: auth

Deploy auth system using this role


  • auth_install is used to install necessary soft;
  • auth_ssl_ca is used to deploy stored in {{ common_local_store }} selfsigned CA cert on the system;
  • ldap_server_config is used to deploy LDAP (OpenLDAP) server;
    • ldap_service_config is used to configure LDAP system service file (openrc, sysvinit, systemd etc);
    • slapd_stop is used to stop slapd (OpenLDAP server service);
    • ldap_init is used to initialization LDAP data and configuration; to perform this task, the ldap_init_force variable must be defined (see below);
    • ldap_setup is used to setup the ldap instance;
      • ldap_schema_ldif is used for create ldif files in schema directory;
      • ldap_setup_overlays is used to enable and setup overlays;
        • ldap_setup_memberof is used
        • ldap_setup_ppolicy is used
        • ldap_setup_syncprov is used
          • ldap_config_syncprov is used
      • ldap_setup_add_modules is used to enable any modules;
      • ldap_setup_add_schemas is used to add schemas;
      • ldap_ssl is used to setup SSL support;
        • ldap_ssl_cert is used to create any SSL-files;
        • ldap_ssl_config is used to configure LDAP instance for SSL connections;
    • ldap_setup_tree is used to create objetcs in LDAP DB;
      • ldap_setup_o is used to setup Organization;
      • ldap_setup_bs_ous is used to setup base OUs;
      • ldap_setup_krb is used to setup Kerberos support;
      • ldap_setup_sudo is used to setup LDAP to store sudo configuration;
      • ldap_system_users is used to add system users into LDAP DB;
      • ldap_users is used to add normal users into LDAP DB;
        • ldap_users_pwd is used to setup user password;
        • ldap_users_cn is used to setup user cn's;
        • ldap_users_mail is used to setup user mail;
        • ldap_users_photo is used to setup user photo;
        • ldap_users_mobile is used to setup user mobile;
        • ldap_users_sshkeys is used to setup user ssh keys;
        • ldap_primary_group is used to setup user primary group;
      • ldap_groups is used to add groups;
      • ldap_hosts is used to add hosts;
      • ldap_services is used to add services, for example, postgres;
  • ldap_client_config is used to configure hosts as LDAP client;
  • auth_proto_setup is used to make visible tags from {{ auth_proto }}.yml; default proto is krb5 (kerberos), so file has name krb5.yml;
    • krb_config is common tag for configure kerberos auth;
      • krb_client_config is used to configure kerberos client;
      • krb_kdc_config is used to configure kerberos daemons;
      • krb_init_ldap is used to use kerberos for use LDAP as principals DB;
    • krb_add_principals is used to add all principals from LDAP;
      • krb_add_principals_users is used to add users principals from LDAP;
      • krb_add_principals_hosts is used to add hosts principals from LDAP;
      • krb_add_principals_services is used to add services principals from LDAP;
      • krb_idx_principals is used is used to create indexes in LDAP DB for principals;
    • krb_client_config is used
      • krb_client_kdc is used
      • krb_client_ldap is used
      • krb_client_kdc_ldap is used
      • krb_ktb4hosts is used
      • krb_ktb4services is used
  • auth_daemon_setup is used to make visible tags from {{ auth_daemon }}.yml; default daemon is sssd, so file has name sssd.yml;
    • auth_daemon_config is common tag for configure daemon;
      • sssd_daemon_config is used to configure sssd daemon;
      • sssd_pam_config is used to configure PAM;

deploying auth system

Remark. Example of playbook.yml see above. Inventory file is defined in ansible config file.

full deploy
user@host ansible $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t auth
partial deploy

There are any examples for any tags, not all. auth_servers_group is group where auth services is installed, configured and started.

LDAP init

LDAP init process destroys all data and config parameters, so ldap_init_force is variable that must be defined if you want to init LDAP with new config parameters. By default this variable is not defined.

user@host ansible $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t ldap_server_config,ldap_init -e "ldap_init_force=yes" -l auth_servers_group
Add users

You must add user into LDAP DB and set any kerberos parameters in LDAP. You must use auth_proto_setup tag for using tags in krb5.yml.

user@host ansible $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t ldap_users,auth_proto_setup,krb_add_principals_users -l auth_servers_group
Configure sssd daemon
user@host ansible $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t auth_daemon_setup,sssd_daemon_config -l auth_servers_group



Author Information

My name is Mikhail Shurutov, I'm an operations engineer since 1997.


role for deploy centralized authentication by ldap+kerberos

ansible-galaxy install mshurutov/auth
GitHub repository