

Ansible role for upgrading Ekinops OneAccess devices running OneOS software. There are 2 main OS version: OneOS 5 + OneOS 6.

OneOS 5 is very similar to Cisco IOS-XE and the software image should be present in the flash and a boot command is required to indicate which software should be loaded.

OneOS 6 has primary + redundant software banks and each bank may have a different software loaded. You have to indicate which bank should be the primary before reloading the router.

This role supports both versions automatically.


  • ansible.utils
  • mwallraf.ekinops


In case of a failure then the process will be aborted for a host, this could mean that the report will not be generated. Failed hosts are also not displayed in the report.

Role tags

There are 4 tags that you can use to define the mode of the role, if no tags are specified then a complete upgrade will be performed:

  • report: only run the pre-checks and generate a status report (by default this tag will always be performed)
  • staging: performs all possible tasks to prepare an upgrade but will not cause any outage, in most cases this means that only a reboot is required after the staging process
  • upload: only performs the file upload process, only files required for the upgrade will be uploaded
  • upgrade: performs all necessary steps required to finish the upgrade

Default role variables

The following variables are configured by default but may be overriden if needed:

  • auto_configure_pre_requisites: toggles auto-configuration of pre-requisites (ex enable SCP server) DEFAULT = true

Calculated variables

The following variables will be calculated based ont he given variables and running config:

  • running_os_is_compliant: indicates if the running OS is already compliant or not (compared to wanted_os_version)
  • boot_os_is_compliant: indicates if the boot os is already compliant or not (compared to wanted_boot_version)
  • scp_is_enabled: indicates if SCP is enabled or not

Upgrade process

Depending on the tags, the upgrade process may be different. By default a full upgrade will be done.

Report mode

In report mode we will only do some basic checks and generate a report which indicates if the router should be upgraded and if there is sufficient disk space.


ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --tags report

Playbook tasks:

  • connect and get facts
  • set extra facts to determine the status of the router and upgrade process
  • display a debug message for each host


  • tasks:
  • oneos_upgrader : GATHER FACTS > hostname TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : GATHER FACTS > get system details TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : GATHER FACTS > get ssh details TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > get wanted os file stats TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > wanted_os_file_stats TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > get wanted boot file stats TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > wanted_boot_file_stats TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > get wanted recovery file stats TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > wanted_recovery_file_stats TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : GATHER FACTS > show memory TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > fact_memory TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : MAIN > run os specific gather_facts tasks TAGS: [report, staging, upgrade]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > calculate if upgrades are required TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > scp_is_enabled TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > check if the files exist on disk or software bank TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > file upload requirement TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > recovery_file_exists_on_disk TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : SET FACT > disk_space_sufficient_ facts calculation TAGS: [always]
  • oneos_upgrader : REPORT > get host details TAGS: [report, staging, upgrade]
  • DEBUG > output all variables TAGS: [always]
  • Template a file to /etc/file.conf TAGS: [always]

A template is foreseen to generate an overview CSV report, since this is supposed to run as last task in the play, it has to be called from within the playbook.

    - name: REPORT > save to file
        src: "roles/oneos_upgrader/templates/report_overview.j2"
        dest: report.txt
        - always

Staging mode

In staging mode all the necessary checks are done and all files are uploaded and the upgrade is being prepared without causing any interruptions.


ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --tags staging

Playbook tasks:

  • connect and get facts
  • set extra facts to determine the status of the router and upgrade process
  • if there is no space on the device then old files will be removed
    • re-calculate disk space
  • if there are any pre-config jobs then they will be implemented (ex enable SCP)
  • upload files if needed
    • if there is no space for all files then first the boot files will be copied
  • the software bank or the boot file is being prepared IF there are no pending boot image upgrades

If multiple upgrades are required (BOOT + RECOVERY + OS) then it's not possible to stage everything at the same time. If there is enough disk space for all files then the upload will be finished. The loading of the file can only be done on the first file (ex BOOT) because it requires are reboot in order to continue. So multi-stage upgrades should be done step by step or the extra steps will be performed during the upgrade process.


Ansible role for upgrading Ekinops-OneAccess OneOS devices

ansible-galaxy install mwallraf/oneos_upgrader
GitHub repository