
Ansible Role: Razor

An Ansible Role that installs Puppetlabs Razor on Linux.

Razor Summary

PuppetLabs Razor Server is an Open Source Operating System provisioning tool, details are here:


Installation Source

Instructions for installing Razor found here which this role is based off of including work required to get the requirements working.


Razor Post Installation Configuration

This role will only install Razor and the default OS Tasks. I've created the following personal Roles for custom Tasks, Repos, Policies and Tags:

  • nicholasrodriguez.razor_tasks_centos
  • nicholasrodriguez.razor_tasks_esxi
  • nicholasrodriguez.razor_manage_hosts

These can be copied and used as template for your own environments.

Razor Manual Use Notes

The following are the Razor cli commands which have been replicated in the Ansible automation above but are here for reference. To PXE build a server you need to

  1. Get the server serial number or MAC
  2. Create a TAG in Razor
  3. Create a Policy in Razor

Get the Server Serial Number

  1. On the server to be built ensure PXE Boot is enabled first and switch it on
  2. The server should boot to the Razor CentOS7 micro kernel and wait
  3. On the Razor run the following
razor nodes
  1. Work out which node is the one just booted and run the following replacing the appropriate number
razor nodes node<NUMBER OF TARGET NODE> facts | grep serial number

Create Tag

  1. Run the following command replacing the serial number with the one found in the previous step.
razor create-tag --name <HOSTNAME> --rule '["in", ["fact", "serialnumber"],"VMware-56 4d cd 0b 9d 4d e2 ca-23 88 34 30 95 b8 0f 0f"]'

Create Policy

  1. Create the following file replacing the various variables in <> with ones specific to the server and save as .json
"name": "<HOSTNAME>",
"repo": "CentOS-7.2-minimal",
"task": "centos/7",
"broker": "noop",
"enabled": true,
"hostname": "<HOSTNAME>",
"root_password": "<ROOT PASSWORD>",
"max_count": 1,
"tags": ["<HOSTNAME>"],
"node_metadata": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "keyN": "valueN",
  1. Run the following command to create the policy in Razor
razor create-policy --json <HOSTNAME>.json


In order to PXE build servers Razor requires the following supporting services:

  • dhcp
  • tftp (locally installed)
  • Postgres

This Role was built and tested with the following Roles but doesn't preclude using others to deploy the same requirements:

  • nicholasrodriguez.tftp
  • nicholasrodriguez.dhcp
  • geerlingguy.postgresql

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Required Razor packages

  - razor-server
  - ruby

Location of the tftp root directory

tftp_root_directory: "/var/lib/tftpboot"

Name of the Postgres database for Razor

razor_db_name: "razor"

Name of the Postgres database users for Razor

razor_db_user_name: "razor"

Name of the Postgres database user password for Razor

razor_db_user_pw: "razor"

Name of the Linux Razor service user

razor_service_user: "razor"

Linux Razor service user password

razor_service_user_pw: "razor"

Name of the account for full API access (Shiro configuration)

razor_api_admin: "razor"

Password for account for full API access

razor_api_admin_pw: "razor"

List of API roles and the scopes of the roles (Shiro configuration)

  - role_name: "admin"
    role_scope: "*"
  - role_name: "user"
    role_scope: "query:*"

List of accounts for restricted API access (Shiro configuration)

  - api_user_name: "razor_api_user"
    api_user_pw: "razor"
    api_user_roles: "user"

Razor Microkernel location. Sometime the original Puppetlabs Microkernel source can take 10 minutes to respond but this file could be hosted internally

razor_microkernel_source: "http://pup.pt/razor-microkernel-latest"

iPXE legacy location

ipxe_legacy_source: "http://boot.ipxe.org/"

iPXE legacy file

ipxe_legacy_file: "undionly.kpxe"

iPXE UEFI location

ipxe_uefi_source: "http://boot.ipxe.org/"

iPXE UEFI file

ipxe_uefi_file: "ipxe.efi"

Razor client required GEMs

  - name: "colored"
    version: "1.2"
  - name: "command_line_reporter"
    version: "4.0.0"
  - name: "mime-types"
    version: "1.25.1"
  - name: "multi_json"
    version: "1.13.1"
  - name: "razor-client"
    version: "1.1.0"
  - name: "rest-client"
    version: "1.6.9"



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - role: nicholasrodriguez.razor



Author Information

ansible-galaxy install nicholasrodriguez/razor
GitHub repository