

This role can be used to import an OVA/OVF template to a target VMware vCenter Server or VMware ESXi host.


  • python >= 2.6
  • PyVmomi

Role Variables

Default variables that have been defined in defaults/main.yml

Set where the OVA file should be sourced.

Current options are 'local' and 'http'.

If local is set, then the ova_file will be sourced from the defined ova_path.

If http is set, then the ova_file will be downloaded to the defined ova_path.

For http, the ova_url also needs to be set.

ova_source: "local"

Whether or not certificate verification should be enabled against the target host the OVA is being imported to.

ova_validate_certs: no

Whether or not duplicates of the same name are allowed.

ova_allow_duplicates: no

Whether or not the appliance should be powered on once the OVA import process has completed.

ova_power_on_after_deploy: yes

Whether or not the module should wait for the IP address to become available in vCenter after powering on the OVA.

ova_wait_for_ip_address: no

The default disk format to use for the imported OVA's disks.

ova_deployment_disk_type: thin

Hardware Configuration

ova_hardware_hotadd_cpu_enabled: true
ova_hardware_hotadd_mem_enabled: true

The following parameters need to be provided, as extra vars, group_vars or host_vars:

OVA Deployment Variables

Set the OVA deployment variables.

ova_deployment_hostname: "vcenter/esxi hostname"
ova_deployment_username: "vcenter/esxi username"
ova_deployment_password: "vcenter/esxi password"

Set the target datastore. Datastore clusters are not supported by the module.

ova_deployment_datastore: "datastore"

The following are only required when deploying to vCenter Server. If folder is not defined then the appliance will deploy to the default folder.

ova_deployment_datacenter: "vcenter datacenter"
ova_deployment_cluster: "vcenter cluster"
ova_deployment_folder: "vcenter folder"

The following mandatory global variables need to be set:

OVA Configuration

Set the OVA file name.

ova_file: "ova_file.ova"

Set the local path to the OVA file (do not use a leading /).

ova_path: "/path/to/ova_file"

The following optional global variables can be set:

OVA Download Configuration

Set the URL to the OVA file if source is set to 'http' (do not use a leading /).

ova_url: "http[s]://example.com/ovas"

The following mandatory variables need to be set in roles that use this role:

OVA Properties

A key:value pair for the network property.



  "Network 1": "label"

The OVA Properties as a set of dictionary key: value pairs.

  "key": "value"
  "key": "value"


  "guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.addr.family": "ipv4"
  "guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.mode": "static"

The following optional variables can be set in roles that use this role:

A string containing the deployment option.

ova_deployment_option: "option"

OVA vApp Properties

The vApp Properties as list of dictionaries with userConfigurable set to true.

  - list of dict1
  - list of dict2


  - id: guestinfo.cis.deployment.node.type
    type: string
    value: "embedded"
    userConfigurable: true
  - id: guestinfo.cis.appliance.ssh.enabled
    type: boolean
    value: "true"
    userConfigurable: true

Hardware Configuration

Set the number of CPU sockets.

ova_hardware_num_cpus: 2

Set the amount of memory in GB.

ova_hardware_mem_gb: 6

Set the disks to add.

  - size_gb: 2
    type: thin # Hard Disk 1
  - size_gb: 4
    type: thin # Hard Disk 2

Set the networks to add.

  - name: "network label"  # nic 1
  - name: "network label"  # nic 2

Example Playbook

This role is designed to be used as a dependency for parent roles.


Deploy OVA/OVF template to VMware vCenter Server or VMware ESXi.

ansible-galaxy install nmshadey/ansible-role-vmware_deploy_ova
GitHub repository