
Ansible Role: Plex Meta Manager on Docker

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An Ansible role to setup and run the Plex Meta Manager Docker container.



Requires Docker. Reecommended role for Docker installation: geerlingguy.docker.

Role Variables

See defaults/main.yml for a complete list.

Container Settings

# Name of the Docker container.
pmm_docker_name: "plex-meta-manager"

# Base name of the Docker image to use for the container.
pmm_docker_image_name: "meisnate12/plex-meta-manager"

# Specific Docker image version to use for the container.
pmm_docker_image_version: "latest"

# TCP port number to expose to handle HTTP traffic.
pmm_docker_web_port: "8181"

# Number of vCPUs to allocate to the container.
pmm_docker_cpus: "1"

# Amount of memory to allocate to the container.
pmm_docker_memory: "512M"

# User ID for the file/directory owner.
pmm_docker_uid: null

# Group ID for the file/directory owner.
pmm_docker_gid: null

Docker volumes and folders

# Create and use Docker volumes for storing data. True creates volumes and attaches them to the
# container. False creates folders and bind mounts them to the container.
pmm_docker_use_volumes: true

# Name of the Docker volume to create to store data files. Only used when
# [pmm_docker_use_volumes] is true.
pmm_docker_volume_name: "plex-meta-manager"

# Directory on filesystem to use for storing data files. Only used when
# [pmm_docker_use_volumes] is false.
pmm_docker_data_dir: "/var/lib/plex-meta-manager"

Docker Networks

# Name of the default Docker network for the container. The container will *always* attach to this
# network. If [pmm_docker_network_create] is true, this is also the name of the network which
# will be created.
pmm_docker_network: "plex-meta-manager"

# List of additional networks the container should attach to. Elements should be dictionaries like
pmm_docker_extra_networks: []

# List of aliases for this container in the default network. These names can be used in the default
# network to reach this container.
pmm_docker_network_aliases: []

# The container’s IPv4 address in the default network. Defaults to using DHCP.
pmm_docker_network_ipv4: null

# The container’s IPv6 address in the default network. Defaults to using DHCP. Only applies if
# IPv6 is enabled in the default network.
pmm_docker_network_ipv6: null

# Create the default Docker network. True creates network and attaches the container to it. False
# does not create the network.
pmm_docker_network_create: false

# Driver to use for the default Docker network for the container. Only used when
# [pmm_docker_network_create] is enabled. See
# for available options.
pmm_docker_network_driver: "bridge"

# Enable IPv6 in the default Docker network for the container. Only used when
# [pmm_docker_network_create] is enabled.
pmm_docker_network_enable_ipv6: "false"

# Restrict external access to the default network. See
# Only used when [pmm_docker_network_create] is enabled.
pmm_docker_network_internal: "yes"

# Control the default network's scope. Only used when [pmm_docker_network_create] is enabled.
pmm_docker_network_scope: "local"

# IPv4 subnet for the default network. Only used when [pmm_docker_network_create] is enabled.
pmm_docker_network_subnet: ""

# IPv4 gateway for the default network. Only used when [pmm_docker_network_create] is
# enabled.
pmm_docker_network_gateway: ""



Example Playbooks




Author Information

Sean Laurent


Role to install Plex Meta Manager on Docker.

ansible-galaxy install organicveggie/ansible.pmm_docker
GitHub repository