

This roles installs, configures and starts osbuild-composer remote worker on the host.

Role Variables

The role has a few required variables, which must be provided by the user in order for the role to not fail.

Required variables are:

  • osbuild_worker_server_hostname
  • osbuild_worker_authentication_oauth_url
  • osbuild_worker_authentication_client_id
  • Any of
    • osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_file
    • osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_file

The rest of the variables are not required and if set, they enable optional functionality in the worker.

Variables that the user can set are listed and explained below:

# General configuration options #

# The hostname of the osbuild-composer API server.
osbuild_worker_server_hostname: ""
# The osbuild-composer server API base path. If empty, the default value is used.
osbuild_worker_server_api_base_path: ""
# Force the restart of the worker service even if the configuration has not changed.
osbuild_worker_force_restart: false

# Worker proxy configuration.
osbuild_worker_proxy_server_hostname: ""
osbuild_worker_proxy_server_port: 443
osbuild_worker_no_proxy_domains: []

# Worker authentication to the composer server #

# The OAuth server URL.
osbuild_worker_authentication_oauth_url: ""
# The OAuth client ID.
osbuild_worker_authentication_client_id: ""
# Local path to the worker OAuth client secret file. If not empty, this file will be
# copied to the worker to {{ osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_path }}.
# REQUIRED (if osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_file not specified)
osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_file: ""
# Path to the worker OAuth client secret file on the worker. If empty,
# defaults to {{ osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_path_default }}.
osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_path: ""
# Local path to the worker OAuth offline token file. If not empty, this file will be
# copied to the worker to {{ osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_path }}.
# REQUIRED (if osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_file not specified)
osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_file: ""
# Path to the worker OAuth offline token file on the worker. If empty,
# defaults to {{ osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_path_default }}.
osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_path: ""

# Configuration for Koji #

osbuild_worker_koji_instances: []
# example:
# osbuild_worker_koji_instances:
#   - koji_host: "koji.example.com"
#     krb_principal: "[email protected]"
#     # Local path to the krb keytab file. If not empty, this file will be
#     # copied to the worker to {{ krb_keytab_path }}.
#     krb_keytab_file: ""
#     # Path to the krb keytab file on the worker. If empty, a default path
#     # under {{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }} with filename
#     # "client_{{ koji_host }}.keytab" will be used.
#     krb_keytab_path: ""
#     relax_timeout_factor: 5

# Configuration for Azure #

# Local path to the Azure credentials file. If not empty, this file will be
# copied to the worker to {{ osbuild_worker_azure_credentials_path }}.
osbuild_worker_azure_credentials_file: ""
# Path to the Azure credentials file on the worker. If empty,
# defaults to {{ osbuild_worker_azure_credentials_path_default }}.
osbuild_worker_azure_credentials_path: ""
# Number of threads to use when uploading image blob to Azure. If 0, no
# explicit value is set in the configuration file and the worker will use
# its internal default. Set to a positive integer to override the default.
osbuild_worker_azure_upload_threads: 0

# Configuration for AWS #

# Local path to the AWS credentials file. If not empty, this file will be
# copied to the worker to {{ osbuild_worker_aws_credentials_path }}.
osbuild_worker_aws_credentials_file: ""
# Path to the AWS credentials file on the worker. If empty,
# defaults to {{ osbuild_worker_aws_credentials_path_default }}.
osbuild_worker_aws_credentials_path: ""
osbuild_worker_aws_bucket: ""

# Configuration for GCP #

# Local path to the GCP credentials file. If not empty, this file will be
# copied to the worker to {{ osbuild_worker_gcp_credentials_path }}.
osbuild_worker_gcp_credentials_file: ""
# Path to the GCP credentials file on the worker. If empty,
# defaults to {{ osbuild_worker_gcp_credentials_path_default }}.
osbuild_worker_gcp_credentials_path: ""
osbuild_worker_gcp_bucket: ""

Internal variables

The role also uses some internal variables, which usually hold default values used by the role. Although the user can override them when using the role, this is discouraged. Do it only if you know what you are doing. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed when setting those.

osbuild_worker_config_dir: /etc/osbuild-worker
osbuild_worker_config_dir_mode: '0755'

osbuild_worker_config_file: "{{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }}/osbuild-worker.toml"
osbuild_worker_config_file_mode: '0644'

osbuild_worker_remote_worker_service_name: osbuild-remote-worker@
osbuild_worker_remote_worker_service_dropin_dir: /etc/systemd/system/{{ osbuild_worker_remote_worker_service_name }}.service.d
osbuild_worker_remote_worker_service_proxy_dropin_file: "{{ osbuild_worker_remote_worker_service_dropin_dir }}/proxy.conf"

osbuild_worker_secrets_owner: root
osbuild_worker_secrets_group: root
osbuild_worker_secrets_mode: '0400'

osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_path_default: "{{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }}/client_secret"
osbuild_worker_authentication_offline_token_path_default: "{{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }}/offline_token"

osbuild_worker_azure_credentials_path_default: "{{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }}/azure-credentials"
osbuild_worker_aws_credentials_path_default: "{{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }}/aws-credentials"
osbuild_worker_gcp_credentials_path_default: "{{ osbuild_worker_config_dir }}/gcp-credentials"


The role has no external dependencies.

Example Playbook

Below is an example minimal playbook using the role with only the requires role variables specified. This playbook will install and configure remote osbuild-worker on the host with authentication settings for connecting to the remote osbuild-composer job queue server located at composer.example.com. The client_secret is expected to be a filename of a local file that will be copied to the remote host by the role.

Note that this example is not very useful, because the worker is not configured with any upload target authentication (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP or Koji), thus it won't be able o upload the built image anywhere.

- hosts: osbuild-worker
    - name: Include osbuild_worker role
        name: "osbuild.osbuild_worker"
        osbuild_worker_server_hostname: "composer.example.com"
        osbuild_worker_authentication_oauth_url: "oauth-server.example.com"
        osbuild_worker_authentication_client_id: "osbuild-automation"
        osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_file: "client_secret"

More useful example could be an instance of a remote worker configured with the option to upload built images to a Koji instance as well as to AWS. The following things are assumed:

  • client_secret is a local filename with OAuth client secret
  • aws_credentials is a local filename with AWS credentials
  • koji.keytab is a local filename of Kerberos keytab file
- hosts: osbuild-worker
    - name: Include osbuild_worker role
        name: "osbuild.osbuild_worker"
        osbuild_worker_server_hostname: "composer.example.com"
        osbuild_worker_authentication_oauth_url: "oauth-server.example.com"
        osbuild_worker_authentication_client_id: "osbuild-automation"
        osbuild_worker_authentication_client_secret_file: "client_secret"
        osbuild_worker_aws_credentials_file: "aws_credentials"
        osbuild_worker_aws_bucket: "my-s3-bucket"
          - koji_host: "koji.example.com"
            krb_principal: "[email protected]"
            krb_keytab_file: "koji.keytab"

What is NOT supported

  • Configuring a local osbuild-worker.
  • Configuring the "generic S3" upload target authentication.
  • Configuring the "container registry" upload target authentication.
  • Configuring the path to dnf-json binary.
  • Configuring the proxy server in the worker configuration.
  • Configuring the TLS client certificate authentication.
  • Configuring the osbuild-composer server TLS CA certificate.




Ansible role for deploying osbuild-composer worker

ansible-galaxy install osbuild/ansible-osbuild-worker
GitHub repository
Build Infrastructure for Operating Systems