
OpenERP Build Status

Ansible role to install OpenERP 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 or 7.0 from a Git or Mercurial repository, and configure it.

Minimum Ansible Version: 2.0

Systems supported

  • Debian
    • Squeeze (6)
    • Wheezy (7)
    • Jessie (8)
  • Ubuntu
    • Precise (12.04)
    • Trusty (14.04)

Example (Playbook)

Standard installation (assuming that PostgreSQL is installed and running on the same host):

- name: OpenERP
  hosts: openerp_server
  sudo: yes
    - openerp
    - openerp_version: 7.0
    - openerp_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD

Standard installation but with PostgreSQL installed on a remote host (and available from your Ansible inventory):

- name: OpenERP
  hosts: openerp_server
  sudo: yes
    - openerp
    - openerp_version: 7.0
    - openerp_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD
    - openerp_config_db_host: pg_server
    - openerp_config_db_user: openerp
    - openerp_config_db_passwd: PaSsWoRd

Installation from a personnal Git repository such as your repository looks like this:

├── server              # could be a sub-repository of
├── addons_oca_web      # another sub-repository ( here)
└── addons              # custom modules
- name: OpenERP
  hosts: openerp_server
  sudo: yes
    - openerp
    - openerp_version: 7.0
    - openerp_repo_type: git
    - openerp_repo_url: https://SERVER/REPO
    - openerp_repo_rev: master
    - openerp_repo_dest: "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp"
    - openerp_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD
    - openerp_config_addons_path:
        - "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/server/openerp/addons"
        - "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/server/addons"
        - "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/addons_oca_web"
        - "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/addons"


openerp_service: openerp-server
openerp_version: 7.0                                # 5.0 / 6.0 / 6.1 / 7.0
openerp_user: openerp
openerp_user_passwd: openerp
openerp_user_system: False
openerp_logdir: "/var/log/{{ openerp_user }}"
openerp_workdir: "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp"
openerp_rootdir: "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/server"
openerp_init: True
openerp_config_file: "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/{{ openerp_service }}.conf"
openerp_force_config: True
openerp_repo_type: git     # git or hg
openerp_repo_dest: "{{ openerp_rootdir }}"
openerp_repo_rev: "{{ openerp_version }}"
openerp_repo_update: True   # Update the working copy or not. This option is
                            # ignored on the first run (a checkout of the
                            # working copy is always processed on the given
                            # revision)
                            # WARNING: uncommited changes will be discarded!
openerp_repo_depth: 1       # Set to 0 to clone the full history
                            # (option not supported with hg repository)
openerp_wkhtmltox_version: 0.12.1   # Download URLs available in the
                                    # 'openerp_wkhtmltox_urls' variable
                                    # (see 'vars/main.yml')

# Tasks related to PostgreSQL
openerp_postgresql_set_user: True
openerp_postgresql_active_unaccent: True

# OpenERP parameters
openerp_config_addons_path:                         # ignored for 5.0
    - "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/server/openerp/addons"
    - "/home/{{ openerp_user }}/oerp/server/addons"
openerp_config_admin_passwd: admin
openerp_config_cache_timeout: 100000                # ignored for 7.0
openerp_config_cpu_time_limit: 60                   # 6.1 only
openerp_config_csv_internal_sep: ','
openerp_config_db_host: False
openerp_config_db_host_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
openerp_config_db_maxconn: 64
openerp_config_db_name: False
openerp_config_db_passwd: False
openerp_config_db_port: False
openerp_config_db_template: template1               # ignored for 6.0
openerp_config_db_user: "{{ openerp_user }}"
openerp_config_dbfilter: '.*'                       # ignored for 6.0
openerp_config_debug_mode: False
openerp_config_email_from: False
openerp_config_limit_memory_hard: 805306368         # 7.0 only
openerp_config_limit_memory_soft: 671088640         # 7.0 only
openerp_config_limit_request: 8192                  # 7.0 only
openerp_config_limit_time_cpu: 60                   # 7.0 only
openerp_config_limit_time_real: 120                 # 7.0 only
openerp_config_list_db: True
openerp_config_log_level: info
openerp_config_logfile: None
openerp_config_logrotate: True
openerp_config_max_cron_threads: 2                  # ignored for 6.0
openerp_config_netrpc: True                         # ignored for 7.0
openerp_config_netrpc_interface: ''                 # ignored for 7.0
openerp_config_netrpc_port: 8070                    # ignored for 7.0
openerp_config_osv_memory_age_limit: 1.0
openerp_config_osv_memory_count_limit: False
openerp_config_pidfile: None
openerp_config_price_accuracy: 2                    # 5.0 only
openerp_config_proxy_mode: False                    # ignored for 6.0
openerp_config_secure_cert_file: server.cert
openerp_config_secure_pkey_file: server.pkey
openerp_config_server_wide_modules: None            # ignored for 6.0
openerp_config_smtp_password: False
openerp_config_smtp_port: 25
openerp_config_smtp_server: localhost
openerp_config_smtp_ssl: False
openerp_config_smtp_user: False
openerp_config_static_http_document_root: None
openerp_config_static_http_enable: False
openerp_config_static_http_url_prefix: None
openerp_config_syslog: False
openerp_config_timezone: False
openerp_config_translate_modules: ['all']
openerp_config_unaccent: True                       # ignored for 6.0
openerp_config_virtual_memory_limit: 805306368      # 6.1 only
openerp_config_virtual_memory_reset: 671088640      # 6.1 only
openerp_config_without_demo: False
openerp_config_workers: 0                           # 7.0 only
openerp_config_xmlrpc: True
openerp_config_xmlrpc_interface: ''
openerp_config_xmlrpc_port: 8069
openerp_config_xmlrpcs: True
openerp_config_xmlrpcs_interface: ''
openerp_config_xmlrpcs_port: 8071
# Custom configuration options
openerp_config_custom: {}
    #your_option1: value1
    #your_option2: value2

# Extra options
openerp_user_sshkeys: False    # ../../path/to/public_keys/*

Ansible role to install OpenERP from a Git or Mercurial repository, and configure it.

ansible-galaxy install osiell/ansible-openerp
GitHub repository