

Ansible role for configuring Monit. Sample usage see example.yml.


Install this role with ansible-galaxy.

$ ansible-galaxy install pgolm.monit


An Ansible ready host.

Role Variables

  • monit_cycle: Time between checks in seconds. Defaults to 120.
  • monit_log_destination: Where the log will be written. Can be a path to a file or "syslog", which will write to syslog daemon. Defaults to /var/log/monit.log.
  • monit_state_file: State file path. Defaults to /var/lib/monit/state.
  • monit_id_file: Id file path. Defaults to /var/lib/monit/id.
  • monit_eventqueue_dir: Event queue directory path. It is only used when this variable is defined. Defaults to /var/lib/monit/events.
  • monit_eventqueue_slots: Event queue slots. It is only used when monit_eventqueue_dir is defined. Defaults to 100.
  • monit_services: List of hashes of services to be monitorized by monit.
    • name: Name of the process or host.
    • type: Type of monitorization, "process", "process_by_name", "host", "filesystem" and "system" are supported.
    • target: Target of monitorization. Should be a pidfile, processname, an address or undefined, depending on the type of service.
    • start: Command that starts the service. Optional.
    • stop: Command that stop the service. Optional.
    • user: Linux username of the user starting the program. Optional.
    • group: Linux group of the user starting the program. Optional.
    • rules: List of rules to be included in this service. Optional.
  • monit_service_delete_unlisted: Remove existing service monitorization configurations not declared in the services. Defaults to true.
  • monit_mail_enabled: Enable mail alerts. Defaults to false.
  • monit_mailserver_host: Mailserver host address. Defaults to localhost.
  • monit_mailserver_port: Mailserver host port. Defaults to 25.
  • monit_mailserver_user: Username for authentication on mailserver. Optional
  • monit_mailserver_password: Password for authentication on mailserver. Optional
  • monit_mailserver_timeout: Timeout for mailserver connection. Defaults to 5.
  • monit_mailserver_ssl_version: If defined, monit will use this algorithm for SSL connection to the mail server. Possible values are SSLAUTO, SSLV2, SSLV3, TLSV1, TLSV11, TLSV12.
  • monit_alert_addresses: List of mail addresses where the alerts will be sent to.
  • monit_alert_mail_format: A hash of options for mail-format.
    • from: Sender mail address.
    • reply-to: A reply-to mail address.
    • subject: Mail subject.
    • message: Mail message body.
  • monit_webinterface_enabled: Enable monit web interface. Defaults to true.
  • monit_webinterface_bind: IP address to bind web interface. Defaults to (listen for external requests).
  • monit_webinterface_port: Port for web interface. Defaults to 2812.
  • monit_webinterface_rw_group: Define group of users allowed to read and write on web interface. It is only applied when defined and is empty by default.
  • monit_webinterface_r_group: Define group of users allowed to read on web interface. It is only applied when defined and is empty by default.
  • monit_webinterface_acl_rules: List of ACL rules for the web interface, such as "localhost" or "hauk:password". It is only applied when defined and is empty by default. You should probably define at least one for the httpd service to start.

Custom facts

This role writes a monit_services_configured on /etc/ansible/facts.d/monit.fact in order to keep track of the configured monitors between different plays. This helps us removing unused monitors.




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Ansible role for configuring Monit.

ansible-galaxy install pgolm/ansible-role-monit
GitHub repository