Ansible Role: NSS Shared DB
Installs CA certificates into NSS Shared DB on Ubuntu or Debian, like Google Chrome uses it.
- The CA certificate should be already installed on the target host. You can use
for that as you still need that for curl and for PHP.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
certutils_package_state: installed
By default, this is set to 'installed'. You can override this variable to 'latest' if you want to upgrade or have switched to a different repo.
nssdb_users: []
Add a list of user account names for which the certificates should be managed too, beside system-wide /etc/pki/nssdb
. This is needed, e.g for Google Chrome which only opens the users nssdb :sob:
nssdb_certificates: []
Add a list of certificates to install into /etc/pki/nssdb
with a name
, path
and trust
trust attributes (See certutil -H -A
for help of the -t trustargs
parameter), e.g. CT,c,c
for trust on signing websites (like Chrome need it), or CT,C,C
to trust on signing websites, S/MIME (mail) certificates and code signing.
Organize your cert name as cert common name - cert organization
so Chrome can show it neatly
# Install CAcert CA and trust on websites, S/MIME and code signing.
- name: CA Cert Signing Authority - Root CA
path: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cacert.crt
trust: CT,C,C
# Install corporate CA and trust only on websites
- name: Acme CA - Acme Corp
path: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/acme.crt
trust: CT,c,c
None, but you can use bdellegrazie.ca-certificates
to transfer the certificates on the target host and install them for curl, php and so on too.
Example Playbook
- hosts: phpdevs
- name: Download CA Cert Signing Authority
url: 'http://www.cacert.org/certs/root.crt'
return_content: true
register: cacert_pem
- vars/main.yml
- bdellegrazie.ca-certificates
- pixelart.nssdb
Inside vars/main.yml
- { pem: "{{ cacert_pem.content }}", name: cacert }
- { pem: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/ssl/acme-ca.pem') }}", name: acme }
nssdb_users: ['username']
- name: CA Cert Signing Authority - Root CA
path: '{{ ca_certificates_local_dir }}/cacert.crt'
trust: CT,C,C
- name: Acme CA - Acme Corp
path: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/acme.crt
trust: CT,c,c
After the playbook runs the certificates are installed in the system-wide and users nssdb and also concatenated into the ca-certficates.crt
for curl, php and so on.
Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
MIT, see the LICENSE file.
Author Information
This role was created in 2017 by pixelart GmbH.
ansible-galaxy install pixelart.nssdb