

Adds a Gunicorn-powered Django service to your Ansible Container project. Run the following commands to install the service:

# Set the working directory to your Ansible Container project root
$ cd myproject

# Install the service
$ ansible-container install marcusianlevine.ansible-django-container


  • Ansible Container

  • An existing Ansible Container project. To create a project, simply run the following:

    # Create an empty project directory
    $ mkdir myproject
    # Set the working directory to the new directory
    $ cd myproject
    # Initialize the project
    $ ansible-contiainer init
  • By default, this role creates a user within the container named "django". During deployment, the container entrypoint process should be run as this user.

  • Your django project's requirements.txt must contain gunicorn.

  • In addition to running collectstatic and embedding your static files in the resulting Docker image, this role also supports transferring your static files to e.g. an nginx container via docker volumes.

    • This behavior is achieved by copying the static files to the conductor, so they can then be copied to any other container built by the same ansible-container pipeline

Role Variables

Note: to help keep the difference between Ansible and Environment variables straight, variables in the Ansible context will be lower case (this_is_ansible), while Environment variables will always be capitalized (ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE).

Ansible Role Variables

These variables can be overriden either in container.yml during role inclusion, or by specifying your variables in a file and including them in container.yml under the var_files role variable as paths relative to /src (the path on the ansible-container conductor where your project's source code is mounted)

  • project_name: name of your Django project folder and project app (assumes standard django folder structure)

  • django_environment: dictionary of environment variable definitions that will be injected into virtualenv postactivate script (see defaults/main.yml for an example)

  • requirements_file: if your django app's requirements file does not live at the root of your repo, this can be used to specify the relative filepath

  • core_source_files: by default requirements_file and the top-level directory in your repo whose name matches project_name will be baked into the container. Additional source files that need to be built into the image can be specified here.

  • django_static_root: specifies the directory where django will collect static files. This should match the value of STATIC_ROOT in your Django settings, or be loaded with os.environ from a postactivate environment variable specified in django_environment

  • django_media_root: same function as django_static_root but for the MEDIA_ROOT Django setting

  • manage_path: location of project's script, defaults to the top-level directory matching project_name

  • django_rpm_deps and django_apt_deps: list of package names for either apt or yum, depending on your target distribution (note that the same package might have a slightly different name in the other package repository)

  • script_templates: provide a list of paths relative to /src (the path on ansible-container conductor where your project is mounted) for additional Jinja2 (or plain text) script files that you would like baked into your image at /usr/bin/

    • Note: the final extension of each filename will be truncated, so scripts/gunicorn_start.j2 would be templated into the image as /usr/bin/gunicorn_start
  • bundle_build_cmd: if you need to build a webpack or similar bundle, provide the command to run here

    • Note: any system dependencies required for this build command to run must be installed prior to this role.
  • bundle_build_dir: directory from which to run bundle_build_cmd, defaults to manage_path

  • virtualenv_python_version: Python executable with version, defaults to python2.7

  • pip_command: command used to execute pip, defaults to pip, another example is pip3

  • pip_path: absolute path to pip executable, defaults to /usr/bin/{{ pip_command }}

Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be defined by your container.yml django service in order to deploy this role.

  • DJANGO_PORT: port number on which django app should be served
  • DJANGO_VENV: absolute path to the location where the django app's Python virtualenv will live (default: /venv)
  • DJANGO_USER: name of the user who will own all application files and run the application process (default: django)

Reasonable defaults are provided as lower-case Ansible role variables for all these values, which can be injected into your container.yml environment tag with quotes and YAML curly braces (e.g. DJANGO_VENV: '{{ django_venv }}')

Injecting Vault secrets

Currently ansible-container doesn't support Vault encrypted files and variables directly in container.yml, but you can embed secrets into your images using ansible-playbook running from the conductor.

In this role, the django_environment variable is a dictionary of environment variables that will be placed in a postactivate script which must be run before every django call

IMPORTANT: this means any secrets which are persisted in the target image will be visible in the image itself (unless flattened during deployment), as well as by inspection on a running instance of your image.

This is the best solution currently available for programmatically embedding secrets using ansible-container; as long as you aren't publishing your built images to a public container registry this shouldn't be much of a concern.



Author Information

Adapted from the official ansible-container Django example project

Written by Marcus Levine for CKM Advisors


Container-enabled role for configuring a Django app behind Gunicorn

ansible-galaxy install pulkit93/ansible-django-container
GitHub repository