Paperless NGX install from source.
No additional requirements. Migration from NG requires specific steps.
Role Variables
Settings have been throughly documented for usage. defaults/main/main.yml.
Example Playbook
The following example will get an instance quickly up and running. Paperless is highly customizable and you should fully read through defaults before using.
# Paperless root user. This user will automatically be created and have root.
pngx_admin_user: 'example_user'
pngx_admin_mail: '[email protected]'
pngx_admin_password: '{{ vault_pngx_admin_password }}'
pngx_filename_format: '{document_type}/{correspondent}/{created}-{title}-[{tag_list}]'
- name: 'paperless server'
hosts: ''
become: true
- 'r_pufky.paperless_ngx'
Suggested Archival Use
Suggested Use (based on archivst recommendations):
- Document Types refer to the broad type of document in question. Is it a letter? Receipt? Bill? Every instance will be different, but this should be your broadest field. You just want to more of less get it in the ballpark. For example, my Receipts doctype holds receipts that I scan in, but it will also hold confirmations from my debtors that I paid a bill, or an email from Cash app that I sold Bitcoin.
- Correspondent refers to the person/organization you are communicating with in the document. A bill from your credit card would have Capital One as correspondent for example, while a copy of your W2 might go under IRS. Again, you can be broad here, as trying to narrow it down is going to drive you crazy.
- Tags are used to answer the below basic concepts:
- Who is it referring to? In my case, I have tags for myself, my wife, the kids, and the dogs. They are all the same color to easily denote that. Note that this is NOT the same as correspondent.
- What is it referring to? Is it related to your car loan? Is it related to your homes maintenance? Mark these tags in a different color to easily notice them.
- When is the information in this document relevant? Was it a bill from 2 years ago? Does it relate to your taxes for 2022? Personally, I make tags for the year it was received, as it makes it easier to sort. You can further break this down by month if needed.
- I also make tags for special categories that I need to track. For example, I have a tag for any documents that we'll need for our taxes in the coming year, or critical documents (birth certs, etc). This helps to further break it down. Reference
Using Management Utilities
You many need to temporarily enable the pngx_user
user shell to login
and run managment utilties. It is highly recommended that the user shell be
disabled after use.
su - {{ pngx_user }}
cd /var/lib/paperless-ngx-X.X.X/scripts
. ../.venv/bin/activate
python3 document_renamer
has been included to provide increased functionality for import
scripts. This will enable lossless conversion of images to pdf's, enabling
import into paperless. The following example will strip alpha channel data from
png's and convert to a lossless pdf for import.
convert test.png -background white -alpha remove -alpha off out.png
img2pdf out.png -o import.pdf
is included with paperless. This will enable you to reduce pdf
size if needed. Use the following settings for specific resolutions: /screen
72dpi, /ebook
150dpi, /prepress
300dpi, /printer
300dpi, /default
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS={SETTING} -dNOPAUSE
-dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile={OUTPUT}.pdf {INPUT}.pdf
can also be used to merge pdf's.
-dBATCH {INPUT}1.pdf {INPUT}2.pdf
Migration From r_pufky.paperlessng (Paperless-NG to Paperless-NGX)
In place migrations from NG to NGX can be done using this role if the following conditions are met:
Ensure the last release of paperless-ng is already deployed (1.5.0) and sucessfully launched. Shutdown.
Backup your data, and your databases. Recommend cloning your paperless instance as well.
Role variables are migrated and updated from
. Many variables have been added, removed, or changed. The easiest way is to start fresh with a new copy ofdefaults/main.yml
and add your existing values into it for your host. Specifically watch out for:Variables Dropped:
(moved to UI toggle).
Variables Explicitly Changed:
(float) -->pngx_ocr_rotate_pages_threshold
See proxy instuctions below for reverse proxy changes.
Database backend changes are not supported. Database migrations to NGX are done automatically during role application.
Reverse Proxy Migration Changes
Reverse proxy configuration has drastically changed. Be sure to set the following configuration variables:
pngx_use_x_forward_host: true
pngx_use_x_forward_port: true
pngx_url: ''
pngx_csrf_trusted_origins: ''
pngx_allowed_hosts: ''
pngx_cors_allowed_hosts: ''
See linked bugs detailing reasons for change:
Recieving a 403 after logging in explicitly after upgrading with:
Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
See the Proxy Rule Changes and be sure to add referrer-policy to allow requests through:
add_header Referrer-Policy 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin';
Restart both NGINX and Paperless and try again.
Create a bug and provide as much information as possible. Associate pull requests with a submitted bug.