
Shadow Utils

Test Ansible Role Ansible Galaxy

Manage the shadow utilies package configuration used for managing users and groups accounts on systems.

Best practice security has tried to be applied to the default configurations; however, always ensure sufficiant scrutiny as this is no guarantee.


Ansible 2.8+

Supported OS's

  • Debian 10
  • CentOS 8

Role Variables

# useradd config options
# #######################

# Default user created shel with useradd
shadow_utils_shell: "{{ shadow_utils__shell }}"

# The GID of the user (100=users), used if no other groups are specified. 
shadow_utils_group: 100

# Number of days after password expires until the accout is permanently disable. -1 to disable.
shadow_utils_inactive: 60

# The default expire date
shadow_utils_expire: null

# The default home directory
shadow_utils_home: "/home"

# The skeletal structure to copy over to the new users home directory.
shadow_utils_skel: "/etc/skel"

# Create a mail spool for new users by default
shadow_utils_create_mail_spool: false

# Login.defs config options
# #########################

# The mail spool directory. This is needed to manipulate the mailbox when its corresponding user account is modified or deleted.
shadow_utils_mail_dir: "{{ shadow_utils__mail_dir }}"

# Defines the location of the users mail spool files relatively to their home directory
shadow_utils_mail_file: null

# Enable logging and display of /var/log/faillog login failure info.         
# This option conflicts with the pam_tally PAM module.
shadow_utils_faillog_enab: true

# Enable display of unknown usernames when login failures are recorded.
shadow_utils_log_unkfail_enab: true
# Enable logging of successful logins.
shadow_utils_log_ok_logins: false

# Enable "syslog" logging of su activity - in addition to sulog file logging.
shadow_utils_syslog_su_enab: true

# Enable "syslog" logging of sg activity.
shadow_utils_syslog_sg_enab: true
# If defined, all su activity is logged to this file.
shadow_utils_sulog_file: '/var/log/su.log'

shadow_utils_ftmp_file: '/var/log/btmp'

# If defined, file which maps tty line to TERM environment parameter
shadow_utils_ttytype_file: null

# If defined, the command name to display when running "su -".
shadow_utils_su_name: 'su'

# If defined, suppresses login messages. If a full path then hushed is enabled for usernames in the specified file; otherwise,
# hushed is enabled if the file exists in the users directory.
shadow_utils_hushlogin_file: '.hushlogin'

# Sets the PATH varialbe of a superuser on login
    - '/usr/local/sbin'
    - '/usr/local/bin'
    - '/usr/sbin'
    - '/usr/bin'
    - '/sbin'
    - '/bin'

# Sets the PATH variable of a regular user on login
    - '/usr/local/bin'
    - '/usr/bin'
    - '/bin'
    - '/usr/local/games'
    - '/usr/games'

# The terminal permissions.
shadow_utils_ttygroup: 'tty'
shadow_utils_ttyperm: '0600'

# Terminal REASE character (010 = backspace, 0177 = DEL)
shadow_utils_erasechar: '0177'

# Terminal KILL character (025 = CTRL/U)
shadow_utils_killchar: '025'

# The file mode creation mask is initialized to this value.
shadow_utils_umask: '077'
# - 022: files - 640 (rw-rw----), directories - 750 (rwxrwx---)
# - 027: files - 640 (rw-r-----), directories - 750 (rwxr-x---)
# - 077: files - 640 (rw-------), directories - 750 (rwx------)

# The maximum number of days a password may be used. If the password is older than this, a password change will be forced.
shadow_utils_pass_max_days: 366

# he minimum number of days allowed between password changes. Any password changes attempted sooner than this will be rejected.
shadow_utils_pass_min_days: 1

# The number of days warning given before a password expires.
shadow_utils_pass_warn_age: 31

# Range of user IDs used for the creation of regular users
shadow_utils_uid_min: 1000
shadow_utils_uid_max: 60000

# Range of user IDs used for the creation of system users
shadow_utils_sys_uid_min: 201
shadow_utils_sys_uid_max: 999

# Range of group IDs used for the creation of regular groups
shadow_utils_gid_min: 1000
shadow_utils_gid_max: 60000

# Range of group IDs used for the creation of system groups
shadow_utils_sys_gid_min: 201
shadow_utils_sys_gid_max: 999

# Maximum number of login retries in case of bad password.
# This will most likely be overridden by PAM, but can be a safe fallback.
shadow_utils_login_retries: 5

# Max time in seconds for login.
shadow_utils_login_timeout: 60

# Specify the gecos shields a users can change with chfn. 
# f - Full Name, r - Room Number, w - Work phone, h - Home phone
shadow_utils_chfn_restrict: 'rwh'

# Allow users to login if we can't cd to the home directory
shadow_utils_default_home: false

# Create new users home directory by default
shadow_utils_create_home: true

# If defined, this command is run when removing a user
shadow_utils_userdel_cmd: null

# Create default group for new users with the same name, and remove user's group if empty when user is deleted. 
shadow_utils_usergroups_enab: true

# Default encrpyition algorithm for encrypting passwords
shadow_utils_encrypt_method: 'SHA512'



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - name: "Include shadow_utils"
        name: "shadow_utils"



Author Information


Manage the shadow utils configuration on a system.

ansible-galaxy install rbrightling/ansible-shadow_utils
GitHub repository
DevOps and general computer tinkerer.