
Ansible role php

Install and configure php on your system.

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Example Playbook

This example is taken from molecule/default/converge.yml and is tested on each push, pull request and release.

- name: Converge
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: true

    - role: robertdebock.httpd
    - role: robertdebock.php

The machine needs to be prepared. In CI this is done using molecule/default/prepare.yml:

- name: Prepare
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

    - role: robertdebock.bootstrap
    - role: robertdebock.epel
    - role: robertdebock.python_pip
      python_pip_update: false
    - role: robertdebock.buildtools
    - role: robertdebock.openssl
        - name: apache-httpd
          common_name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
    - role: robertdebock.httpd

Also see a full explanation and example on how to use these roles.

Role Variables

The default values for the variables are set in defaults/main.yml:

# defaults file for php

# The role discovers the ini location automatically, but can be overwritten.
# php_ini_location: /etc/php/7.4/apache/php.ini

# Alpine has both php5 and php7. Select the desired version here.
php_alpine_version: 7

# All the settings for PHP.
php_display_errors: false
php_startup_errors: false
php_error_reporting: false
php_html_errors: true
php_log_errors: true
php_max_input_time: 60
php_max_execution_time: 60
php_output_buffering: 4096
php_register_argc_argv: false
php_request_order: GP
php_session_gc_divisor: 1000
php_session_hash_bits_per_character: 5
php_short_open_tag: false
php_track_errors: false
php_variables_order: GPCS
php_engine: true
php_date_timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
php_memory_limit: 128M
php_upload_max_filesize: 2M
php_post_max_size: 8M
# php_extensions:
#   -


State of used roles

The following roles are used to prepare a system. You can prepare your system in another way.

Requirement GitHub GitLab
robertdebock.bootstrap Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.buildtools Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.epel Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.httpd Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.openssl Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.python_pip Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.scl Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab


Most roles require some kind of preparation, this is done in molecule/default/prepare.yml. This role has a "hard" dependency on the following roles:

  • {'role': 'robertdebock.httpd'}


This role is a part of many compatible roles. Have a look at the documentation of these roles for further information.

Here is an overview of related roles: dependencies


This role has been tested on these container images:

container tags
EL 9
Debian all
Fedora all
Ubuntu all

The minimum version of Ansible required is 2.12, tests have been done to:

  • The previous version.
  • The current version.
  • The development version.

If you find issues, please register them in GitHub.



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Please consider sponsoring me.


Install and configure php on your system.

ansible-galaxy install robertdebock/ansible-role-php
GitHub repository
I know my way around (Linux) infrastructure, have a passion for automation, Docker, Ansible, Molecule and ci/cd.