
Ansible Galaxy MIT License

Acmetool LE client

Install and configure the acmetool LE client.

We recomend to use this role together with the do1jlr.nginx ansible role. But this role has a standalone version too.

The do1jlr.nginx role installs a hook to enable nginx https sites and is running the acmetool want $domain command. Or you add the domains you need to the acme_domain_want_list: []. But make sure you your acmetool is able to request the domains. Maybe you want to configure the response-file.yml.j2 for that.


  • acme_notification_email: (Default: [email protected]): LE account email. The default needs to be changed!

  • acme_reload_services: (Default: []): Services that need a reload by certificat change (There are some services pre-defined in the files/reload file)

  • acme_restart_services: (Default: []): Services that need a restart by certificat change

  • acme_domain_want_list: (Default: []): A list of domain you want to enable. Example:

  - name: ''
  • acme_domain_unwant_list: (Default: []): Disable a enabled domain. Same syntax than acme_domain_want_list.

  • submodules_versioncheck: (Default: false): Enable basic versionscheck. (true is recomended)


  • We search the response-file.yml.j2 using the first_found_lookup with the following config:
    - "response-file.{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml.j2"
    - 'response-file.yml.j2'
    - 'templates/acmetool'
    - "templates/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    - 'files/acmetool'
    - "files/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    - 'templates'

This file is configuring the acmetool behaviour like certificate type, challange methode, acme notification email and so on. Change the values by providing your own response-file.yml.j2.

  • We search the reload and restart hook using the first_found_lookup with the config defined in vars/main.yml.

  • We deploy the acme-reload and acme-restart configuration based on the acme_reload_services: and acme_restart_services: variables


Good to know

  • If you are using debian buster, you are probably interested in a more up to date version of acmetool. Have a look at the do1jlr.acmetool_fix role, that will install a specific version of acmetool on debian based systems.
  • To add a domain manually to acmetool run acmetool want
  • To remove a domain manually from acmetool, acmetool unwant

Install acmetool, an easy-to-use command line tool for automatically acquiring certificates from ACME servers (eg. Let's Encrypt)

ansible-galaxy install roles-ansible/ansible_role_acmetool
GitHub repository
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