

An Ansible role that automates the installation and configuration of Postfix and Dovecot with MySQL authentication on Ubuntu. The MySQL schema is derived from the following Digital Ocean tutorial. You can view the MySQL schema used in schema.sql.

Role Variables

Required Variables

  • dovecot_ssl_cert - the path to the SSL certificate used by Dovecot. Note that if you need to provide a certificate chain, it must be concatenated after the certificate in the same file.
  • dovecot_ssl_key - the path to the SSL key used by Dovecot.
  • postfix_ssl_cert - the path to the SSL certificate used by Postfix. This should include the intermediary CA as well if applicable.
  • postfix_ssl_key - the path to the SSL key used by Postfix.
  • postfix_dovecot_mysql_password - the password to the user that has permission to query the database on the SQL database server used for authentication.

Optional Variables

  • solr - [true/false], default is false, enable Solr backend for indexing mail's content
  • sql - [true/false], default is true, disable mysql backend
  • postfix_tls - [true/false], default is false, enable smtps (smtp over ssl, port 465)
  • postfix_dovecot_mysql_host - the FQDN or IP address to the MySQL server for authentication. This defaults to
  • postfix_mydomain - Define mydomain in postfix configuration
  • postfix_dovecot_mysql_db_name - the database name on the MySQL server used for authentication. This defaults to servermail.
  • postfix_dovecot_mysql_user - the user that has permission to query the database on the MySQL server used for authentication. This defaults to usermail.
  • postfix_dovecot_mysql_password_scheme - the password scheme used to encrypt passwords in the database. This defaults to SHA512-CRYPT.
  • postfix_default_domain - the value to set the default domain used by Postfix, particularly when Postfix determines the sender's domain when sending bounce messages. This sets the contents of /etc/mailname.
  • postfix_inet_protocols - the protocol that Postfix should listen on. To have only IPv4, set this value to ipv4. This defaults to all.
  • postfix_submission_smtpd_client_restrictions - a list of client restrictions on the mail submission port (587). For more information visit the Postfix documentation. This defaults to permit_sasl_authenticated and reject.
  • postfix_smtpd_tls_auth_only - whether to only allow SASL authentication over SSL/TLS. This defaults to yes.
  • postfix_smtpd_recipient_restrictions - a list of restrictions of recipients of incoming email. For more information visit the Postfix documentation. This defaults to permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, and reject_unauth_destination.
  • postfix_smtpd_relay_restrictions - a list of relay restrictions. For more information visit the Postfix documentation. This defaults to permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, and defer_unauth_destination.
  • postfix_mynetworks - a list of trusted SMTP clients. For more information visit the Postfix documentation. This defaults to, [::ffff:]/104, [::1]/128.
  • postfix_mydestination - a list for the Postfix configuration value of mydestination. For information on visit the Postfix documentation. This defaults to localhost.
  • postfix_alias_maps - define another alias lookup for user
  • postfix_transport_maps - define transport maps (routing table)
  • postfix_sender_maps - define sender maps (to permit and control Impersonate)
  • postfix_mysql_alias_query - the query used to find the destination of an alias when the source is supplied. This defaults to SELECT destination FROM virtual_aliases WHERE source='%s';.
  • postfix_mysql_domains_query - the query used to determine if a domain is valid. This defaults to SELECT 1 FROM virtual_domains WHERE name='%s';.
  • postfix_mysql_users_query - the query used to determine if an email address is valid. This defaults to SELECT 1 FROM virtual_users WHERE email='%s';.
  • postfix_mailbox_command - Specifiy mailbox command
  • dovecot_mysql_password_query - the query used to authenticate a user on the MySQL server used for authentication. This defaults to SELECT email as user, password FROM virtual_users WHERE email='%u';.
  • dovecot_protocols - a list of protocols to be enabled. This defaults to lmtp and imap. To enable POP3, add pop3 to this variable. (note: apt install dovecot-pop3d on the target to use pop3)
  • dovecot_mail_privileged_group - the group that owns the folder defined in dovecot_mail_location. This gives Dovecot's mail process the ability to write in the folder. This defaults to mail.
  • dovecot_disable_plaintext_auth - determines if authentication without SSL is enabled. This defaults to 'yes'.
  • dovecot_auth_mechanisms - a list of authentication mechanisms allowed by Dovecot. This defaults to plain and login. For more informationm read Dovecot's Authentication Mechanisms documentation.
  • dovecot_force_imaps - determines whether or not to disable IMAP and force IMAPS. This defaults to true.
  • dovecot_force_pop3s - determines whether or not to disable POP3 and force POP3S. This defaults to true. Note that to also enable POP3S, you need to add pop3 to the dovecot_protocols list variable.
  • dovecot_ssl - determines whether or not SSL is enforced across all protocols. This defaults to required. For more information, read Dovecot's SSL Configuration documentation.
  • dovecot_listen - a list of IP or host addresses where Dovecot listens for connections. This defaults to * (all IPv4) and '::' (all IPv6).
  • dovecot_mail_plugins - list of plugins to load. Plugins specific to IMPA, LDA, etc.
  • dovecot_user - specifiy the user for the dovecot service
  • ldap - specify ldap configuration to bind
    • base - LDAP base
    • uris ldap(s) servers to bind
    • auth_bind - Use authentication binding for verifying password's validity
    • auth_bind_userdn - specify the user bind
    • pass_attrs - LDAP Special fields which can be returned
    • pass_filter - Filter for password lookups
  • mail_location - specify the Location for users' mailboxes, default value is : /var/mail/vhosts/%d/%n
  • dovecot_dsync - Default is false, enable dsync synchro between dovecot cluster (need notify and replication dovecot_mail_plugins)
  • doveadm_password - Password for replicator (Used only if dsync is enabled)
  • dovecot_default_vsz_limit - Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes (Default is 256M)
  • dovecot_log_path - Define log path of dovecot - defaut : syslog
  • dovecot_auth_verbose - Log unsuccessful authentication attempts and the reasons why they failed
  • dovecot_INBOX_path - Optional, Path of the INBOX (need if use dsync)(Exemple : ~/Maildir/.INBOX)
  • dovecot_INDEX_path - Optional : Path of dovecot index, by default in the mail directory
  • tomcat_loglevel - Define tomcat log level when solr is enabled (level available : [ SEVERE , WARNING , INFO , CONFIG , FINE, FINER , FINEST ])


This role must be run with sudo/become or as root, otherwise the role will fail.

Example Playbook


  - name: stackfocus.postfix-dovecot
    version: v1.1.0


- hosts: all
  become: yes
  gather_facts: true
    - stackfocus.postfix-dovecot
    postfix_dovecot_mysql_db_name: mailserver
    postfix_dovecot_mysql_user: mailuser
    postfix_dovecot_mysql_password: mailpass
      - imap
      - pop3
      - lmtp
    dovecot_mail_privileged_group: vmail
    dovecot_ssl_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
    dovecot_ssl_key: /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
    postfix_ssl_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem
    postfix_ssl_key: /etc/ssl/private/postfix.pem
    - name: fts
      value: solr
    - name: fts_solr
      value: url=http://localhost:8080/solr/ debug
    solr: true
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml --ask-become-pass
  • To enable and control Impersonate:
    • Define one (or more) postfix_sender_maps table to map uid with mail permission
    • Add reject_sender_login_mismatch in postfix_smtpd_recipient_restrictions (or in other postfix_smtpd_*_restrictions
    • Can be tested via postmap -q mail_address database_type:file_path

automates the installation and configuration of Postfix and Dovecot

ansible-galaxy install roumano/ansible-role-postfix-dovecot
GitHub repository