
Role Name


A client asked if I could demo Ansible generating HTTPS POSTS to an API, so I created a role that make a call to a Vulcan translator API. The role translates an English phrase (provided at the start of the playbook), to Vulcan. The role also writes out the results to a vulcan_dictionary within your home directory (~/vulcan/vulcan_dictionary.txt).

Documentation of the API used by this role can be found at

This API is heavily rate limited, be sure to read the documentation on the API.


No requirements other than the user of the playbook must enter the ENGLISH phrase they would like translated into Vulcan.

Role Variables

prompt: (string) - This variable should be defined by the playbook user, as it is the English to be translated into Vulcan. It is recommended that you use a vars_prompt at the top of your playbook to acquire this input, but and extra variable provided at the command line might also be a sensible choice.



Example Playbook

The following is an example of how to style a playbook around this role:

    # Russell Zachary Feeser
    # [email protected] || Python & Ansible Trainer
    # Purpose: To boldly go where no Ansible trainer has gone before,
    #          and seek out how to use Ansible to translate English to vulcan
    # vulcan is a "fictional" language from Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. I
    # found an API that let's me send a POST with an embedded webform with an
    # English phrase, and return the vulcan.
    # This API is rate-limited to 60 lookups a day.
    # English: vulcan
    # "live long and prosper": Dif-tor heh smusma
    # "success": qapla'
    - name: Learn to speak vulcan (60 calls per day)
      gather_facts: no
      hosts: localhost
      # Read the doc here:
      # are vars_prompts automation friendly? not really...
              - name: phrase   # this is the var to be defined at run time
                prompt: "What is the English phrase to translate into vulcan?"
                private: no

              - ansible-role-star-trek-vulcantranslator
              # if downloaded from Ansible-Galaxy use:
              #- rzfeeser.ansible-role-star-trek-vulcantranslator



Author Information

Author: Russell Zachary Feeser

Contact: email:

Profession: Trainer and Consultant

Available for: - Ansible - Ansible Module Design with Python - Network Automation with Python and Ansible - Python for API and API Design - Python Basics - OpenStack - 5G - 4G LTE - IP Multimedia Subsystem - Session Initiation Protocol - Playing Minecraft and StarCraft II :p


This role teaches Ansible to translate English to Vulcan via an HTTP POST message to

ansible-galaxy install rzfeeser/ansible-role-star-trek-vulcantranslator
GitHub repository
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