

Send messages to MS-Teams by a webhook, either by an Ansible handler or immediately by a task.


You need to create a webhook for your target Teams channel.

Role Variables


  • sdteams_title: the title for the notification
  • sdteams_message: a summary of the notification
  • sdteams_details: detailed output
  • sdteams_date_time_format: The date + time format used in the Teams message header
  • sdteams_webhook: the full hook URI you got from MS-Teams configuration
  • sdteams_status: one of [ init, running, success, failure ] - will also set an image accordingly (see sdteams_status_image)
  • sdteams_button_text: set the (first) button text in the message
  • sdteams_button_url: set the (first) button URL in the message


  • sdteams_2nd_button_text: specify the button text for a second button
  • sdteams_2nd_button_url: specify the URL for that second button
  • sdteams_status_image: a list of <status>: "<url>" values used to be displayed when specifying sdteams_status
  • sdteams_skip_notify: if set to true this enables a global overwrite for skipping any notification (e.g. when you're debugging your ansible tasks)


  • Ansible v2.9 or later


Using it as a handler

# this will trigger the notification handler at the (very) end
- shell: echo foo
  notify: sdteams_notify

Using it as an immediate notification

# handlers will notify once at the very end only but you might want to 
# send a notification right NOW.
# -> this is handled by "tasks_from: notify_NOW.yml".
# note: this does not clear a triggered "sdteams_notify" handler, so if you use both 
# ("notify: sdteams_notify" + notify_NOW.yml) then you will get 1 notify due to the handler
# at the end and immediately any executed notify_NOW.yml.
# this is how to use it, of course you can specify all the sdteams variables
# elsewhere, as usual in Ansible:

- include_role:
    name: sedi.notify_teams
    tasks_from: notify_NOW.yml
    sdteams_status: success
    sdteams_message: "MS-Teams notify role released!"
    sdteams_details: "You can find it at Ansible-Galaxy and on Github. Check it out!"
    sdteams_button_text: "Galaxy"
    sdteams_button_url: ""
    sdteams_2nd_button_text: "Github"
    sdteams_2nd_button_url: ""

Example Playbook

For a complete example, including advanced methods like using rescue to trigger failures, see: example-play.yml



Author / Fork Information

Based on the great work of @lucasdk3.

Adapted and enhanced by me:

  • make it ansible galaxy compatible
  • added notification handler
  • added an optional second button if specified
  • bugfixes
ansible-galaxy install se-di/ansible_role_notify-teams
GitHub repository