What is rvm1-ansible?
It is an Ansible role to install and manage ruby versions using rvm.
Why should you use rvm?
In production it's useful because compiling a new version of ruby can easily take upwards of 10 minutes. That's 10 minutes of your CPU being pegged at 100%.
rvm has pre-compiled binaries for a lot of operating systems. That means you can install ruby in about 1 minute, even on a slow micro instance.
This role even adds the ruby binaries to your system path when doing a system wide install. This allows you to access them as if they were installed without using a version manager while still benefiting from what rvm has to offer.
$ ansible-galaxy install rvm.ruby
Role variables
Below is a list of default values that you can configure:
# Install 1 or more versions of ruby
# The last ruby listed will be set as the default ruby
- 'ruby-2.3.1'
# Install the bundler gem
rvm1_bundler_install: True
# Bundler version - If blank use latest
rvm1_bundler_version: ''
rvm1_bundler_install_command: '{{ rvm1_bundler_version | ternary("gem install -v {{ rvm1_bundler_version }} bundler", "gem install bundler") }}'
# Delete a specific version of ruby (ie. ruby-2.1.0)
# Install path for rvm (defaults to single user)
# NOTE: If you are doing a ROOT BASED INSTALL then make sure you
# set the install path to something like '/usr/local/rvm'
rvm1_install_path: '~/.rvm'
# Add or remove any install flags
# NOTE: If you are doing a ROOT BASED INSTALL then
# make sure you REMOVE the --user-install flag below
rvm1_install_flags: '--auto-dotfiles --user-install'
# Add additional ruby install flags
# Set the owner for the rvm directory
# NOTE: If you are doing a ROOT BASED INSTALL then
# make sure you set rvm1_user to 'root'
rvm1_user: 'ubuntu'
# URL for the latest installer script
rvm1_rvm_latest_installer: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvm/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer'
# rvm version to use
rvm1_rvm_version: 'stable'
# Check and update rvm, disabling this will force rvm to never update
rvm1_rvm_check_for_updates: True
# GPG key verification, use an empty string if you want to skip this
# Note: Unless you know what you're doing, just keep it as is
# Identity proof: https://keybase.io/mpapis
# PGP message: https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc
rvm1_gpg_keys: '409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3'
# The GPG key server
rvm1_gpg_key_server: 'hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net'
# autolib mode, see https://rvm.io/rvm/autolibs
rvm1_autolib_mode: 3
Example playbooks
- name: Configure servers with ruby support for single user
hosts: all
- { role: rvm.ruby,
tags: ruby,
rvm1_rubies: ['ruby-2.3.1'],
rvm1_user: 'ubuntu'
If you need to pass a list of ruby versions, pass it in an array like so.
- name: Configure servers with ruby support system wide
hosts: all
- { role: rvm.ruby,
tags: ruby,
become: yes,
rvm1_rubies: ['ruby-2.2.5','ruby-2.3.1'],
rvm1_install_flags: '--auto-dotfiles', # Remove --user-install from defaults
rvm1_install_path: /usr/local/rvm, # Set to system location
rvm1_user: root # Need root account to access system location
rvm_rubies must be specified via ruby-x.x.x
so that if you want
ruby 2.2.5, you will need to pass in an array rvm_rubies: ['ruby-2.2.5']
System wide installation
The above example would setup ruby system wide. It's very important that you run the play as root because it will need to write to a system location specified by rvm1_install_path
To the same user as ansible_user
In this case, just overwrite rvm_install_path
and by default is set the --user-install
rvm1_install_flags: '--auto-dotfiles --user-install'
rvm1_install_path: '/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.rvm'
To a user that is not ansible_user
You will need root access here because you will be writing outside the ansible user's home directory. Other than that it's the same as above, except you will supply a different user account:
rvm1_install_flags: '--auto-dotfiles --user-install'
rvm1_install_path: '/home/someuser/.rvm'
A quick note about rvm1_user
In some cases you may want the rvm folder and its files to be owned by a specific
user instead of root. Simply set rvm1_user: 'foo'
and when ruby gets installed
it will ensure that foo
owns the rvm directory.
Upgrading and removing old versions of ruby
A common work flow for upgrading your ruby version would be:
- Install the new version
- Run your application role so that bundle install re-installs your gems
- Delete the previous version of ruby
Leverage ansible's --extra-vars
Just add --extra-vars 'rvm1_delete_ruby=ruby-2.1.0'
to the end of your play book command and that version will be removed.
- Tested on CentOS 6 and 7
- Tested on Debian 8 and 9
- Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04
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ansible-galaxy install silverlogic/ansible-role-rvm