

Ansible Role Ansible Quality Score Ansible Role

Insurgency Sandstorm

This role installs a Insurgency Sandstorm server.

The server can be configured through variables of this role.
For security reasons, the game server will be running as the system user steam.
A script to [start|stop|restart|update] the server will be placed on the target machine.
If this role is executed without any further configuration, it will set up a server with all default parameters.
You can find a reference on what parameters you can use and how you need to specify them in this Google doc from the developers: Google Doc

Get this role

ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ./roles/ siw36.ansible_gs_iss


  • A user with permissions to execute sudo commands without being prompted for password confirmation
    This user is used to set up the server.

Role Variables

Name Description Default value
gsGSLT Steam game server token. Doc <none - __required__ to be set>
gsServerName The name of the server "ISS Server deployed with the ansible role siw36.ansible_gs_iss"
gsGamePort The main server port 27102
gsQueryPort The server query port. Used to get information about the server status 27131
gsPassword Password to join the Server <none - not required>
gsMaxPlayers Maximum amount of players 16
gsAdminList A list of SteamID64 account IDs that should get admin privileges on the server <none - not required>
gsInitialMap The initial map the server should start with Ministry?Scenario_Ministry_Skirmish
gsMapCycleList A list of maps for the server to cycle through All maps and modes
gsAdditionalParameters Additional start parameters for the server <none - not required>
gsCustomConfig Set this parameter to true if you have written a custom configuration file in <role path>/files/custom_Game.ini false
gsConfigChange Set this parameter if you want to restart the server with a new custom config file without the installation tasks false

Common start parameters (gsAdditionalParameters):

  • -GameStats: Used when you have set the GSLT to enable XP gain on your server
  • -ruleset=OfficialRules: Used to enable the official rule set


This role depends on the following ansible role:

  • siw36.ansible_steamcmd


# Specify a target directory
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ../roles/
# Install the role to the default ansible role directory
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Example Playbook

Install steamcmd and the iss game server:

- hosts: iss-server
  gather_facts: true
  become: true
    gsGSLT: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    gsServerName: 'My ISS game server'
      - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      - Scenario_Ministry_Skirmish
      - Scenario_Crossing_Skirmish
      - Scenario_Hideout_Skirmish
      - Scenario_Precinct_Skirmish
      - Scenario_Refinery_Skirmish
      - Scenario_Farmhouse_Skirmish
      - Scenario_Summit_Skirmish
    gsAdditionalParameters: "-ruleset=OfficialRules -GameStats"
    - siw36.ansible_steamcmd
    - siw36.ansible_gs_iss


GNU General Public License v3.0

Author Information

Created by Robin 'siw36' Klussmann (07/2019)


Role to install and manage an Insurgency Sandstorm (2018) dedicated game server

ansible-galaxy install siw36/ansible-gs-iss
GitHub repository
Platform & DevOps Engineer