
Ansible Role: Hostname


This role will set hostname on any target host. By default hostname is same as inventory_hostname, but can be set as different by using vars. Updates hosts file too.


No requiments.

  • CentOs 5 requires python-simplejson package installed for general Ansible work.
  • Ubuntu 16.04 has no python package installed by default. It is required for general Ansible to work.

Role Variables

Variable Default Explanation
hostname_hosts_file_location "/etc/hosts" Hosts file location.
hostname_hosts_backup False You can make backup of hosts file before changes will be made.
hostname_fqdn_full inventory_hostname By default this role uses inventory_hostname from inventory file to get host hostname, but you can set hostname_fqdn_full and hostname_fqdn_short to change this behavior.
hostname_fqdn_short inventory_hostname_short
hostname_hosts_ipv4_enabled true When true, add an IPv4 entry to /etc/hosts.
hostname_hosts_ipv6_enabled true When true, add an IPv6 entry to /etc/hosts.


Independent role.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
    - { role: insspb.hostname }

Development information

This role is developed with community help.

Process of development follows this rule:

  • You are free to add any pull request to master branch.
  • If you want to made any contribution, but do not know where to start - check issues.
  • Please include documentation for new features.
  • Please use variables.
  • Please do not forget to set defaults.
  • Please do your best to keep backward compatibility if possible.
  • Please use packet installation as default software installation method. Source installation must be optional anywhere if possible.
  • Please use official software developers repositories instead of general Debian/Ubuntu/Centos etc for main application.
  • Do you best to keep role independent from any other roles. User must have the way to choose what roles to use.


  • CI uses ansible-lint version 4.x.



Author Information

This role is a fork of

Release procedure

  1. Merge your code to master branch
  2. Add a Git tag, according to Semantic Versioning rules and push it
  3. Create a release on


Tagging a feature branch triggers a release as well, but it will not do what you'd expect (so should be avoided).

Instead of the tagged code, the latest on master branch will be published to galaxy.

See more details in


This role will set hostname on any target host. By default hostname is same as inventory_hostname, but can be set as different by using vars. Updates hosts file too. This is a fork of original role by Andrey Shpak (

ansible-galaxy install speechmatics/ansible-role-hostname
GitHub repository