
Certbot Ansible role

Installs certbot from github sources. Fetch SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt CA for the target ansible_host domain.

Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Example Playbook

Basic example playbook:

- hosts: webservers
     - role: swcc.certbot
       certbot_agree_tos: "--agree-tos"
       certbot_admin_email: "[email protected]"
       certbot_www_dir: "/var/www" # Used to validate domains with http file verification. Make sure you serve `/.well-known` uri on your webserver with files from the specified `www_dir`.

Optional parameters

Variable Type Description
certbot_auto_renew boolean Whether to auto renew your certificate with a cron setup
certbot_deploy_hook string Command to execute after a successful renewed certificate. E.g. /etc/init.d/nginx reload.
certbot_host string Custom domain used to issue the certificate (if not provided defaults to ansible_host)
certbot_extra_hosts array A list of extra domains for which the certificate will be valid for (will provide a multi-domains certificate)
certbot_cert_name string The filename of the issued certificate by certbot. This will ensure your certificate is at /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ certbot_cert_name }}/fullchain.pem path on your server.
certbot_challenge_method string Possible values: webroot or nginx. Method to use by certbot to perform challenge verification (webroot is if you already have a webserver, nginx if you don't have anyway)

Makefile for easier Ansible usage

I have written a small Makefile to make your future ansible runs easier. Don't hesitate to check it out.

Download the *.deb package from the github releases, install it and start using it with ansible-make help.




Install certbot to get Let's Encrypt SSL certificates

ansible-galaxy install swcc/ansible-certbot-role
GitHub repository