
Clojure Uberjar Webapp: App

This role configures a server to run a standalone java program as a web server. It:

  • Installs packages needed to run a java program (openjdk-8-jre)
  • Installs an upstart script to run the program as a service
  • Relies on environment variables to configure your program

See for a quick overview and instructions. See Deploying Your First Clojure App ...From the Shadows for an introductory guide to Ansible and in-depth explanation of this role.



Role Variables

I tried to take care to parameterize as much as I could, but to define defaults such that you're only required to define a couple vars for everything to work. If you define clojure_uberjar_webapp_domain, then flyingmachine.clojure-uberjar-webapp-common will define clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_name, which is used by most of the vars velow.

For example, if your domain is, the app name will be foo-bar-com. Your java jar will be uploaded to /var/www/foo-bar-com/foo-bar-com.jar. The upstart service will be named foo-bar-com, and you'll find logs under /var/log/foo-bar-com/foo-bar-com.log. I find that this consistency makes it easier to navigate the filesystem.

There are some references to datomic vars, but those are optional. I hope to improve the roles such that this role contains no references to datomic.

Variable Description
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_user user that owns app-related files
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_http_port gets set as HTTP_SERVER_PORT env var when starting jar
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_http_env_path where to put file that exports HTTP_SERVER_PORT; gets sourced in upstart
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_service_name used by upstart, e.g. sudo service xyz start
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_jar_name name to use when copying jar file to server
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_env_local_path where to look on local machine for file that sets other env vars for uberjar app
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_env_path where to save file that sets app env vars; gets sourced in upstart script
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_check_local_path where to look on local machine for a script template to check the deployment
clojure_uberjar_webapp_app_command used in the upstart script to start the web app


Example Playbook

- hosts: webservers
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
    - "sweet-tooth-clojure.clojure-uberjar-webapp-common"
    - "sweet-tooth-clojure.clojure-uberjar-webapp-nginx"
    - "sweet-tooth-clojure.clojure-uberjar-webapp-datomic-free"
    - "sweet-tooth-clojure.clojure-uberjar-webapp-app"

GitHub Repo



Author Information

Daniel Higginbotham


Run an uberjar web app

ansible-galaxy install sweet-tooth-clojure/ansible-role-clojure-uberjar-webapp-app
GitHub repository