
Ansible Role: Mercure

An Ansible role to deploy Mercure on Linux amd64 with systemd.

Mercure is a protocol allowing to push data updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in a convenient, fast, reliable and battery-efficient way. It is especially useful to publish async and real-time updates of resources served through web APIs, to reactive web and mobile apps.

Visit Mercure github repository


Linux OS with amd64 architecture and systemd as service manager.

Role Variables

Version release

You can define the version to install with the mercure_rocks_release variable. i.e:

mercure_rocks_release: "0.9.0"

If you don't define this variable, the latest release will be installed. In this case, if you replay your playbook and a new release is out, Mercure will be updated.

Predefined Variables

mercure_rocks_user: mercure

System user and group

mercure_rocks_addr: ""

The address and port to listen on

mercure_rocks_compress: "true"

HTTP compression support. Set to "false" to disable

mercure_rocks_cors_allowed_origins: "*"

A list of allowed CORS origins

mercure_rocks_debug: "false"

Set to "true" to enable the debug mode

mercure_rocks_demo: "false"

Set to "true" to enable the demo mode (automatically enabled when debug=true)

mercure_rocks_log_format: "TEXT"

The log format, can be JSON, FLUENTD or TEXT (default)

mercure_rocks_transport_url: "null://"

URL representation of the history database. Provided database are "null://" to disabled history, "bolt://" to use bbolt (example "bolt:///var/run/mercure.db?size=100&cleanup_frequency=0.4")


Security in Mercure is based on JWT.

You have 3 options:

  • Define the same JWT secret key for subscribers and publishers
  • Define two different keys for subscribers and publishers
  • Define a key for publishers and allow anonymous connection for subscribers without any auth

To generate secret keys you can use online generators like

Define the same JWT secret key for subscribers and publishers

Define mercure_rocks_jwt_key and mercure_rocks_jwt_algorithm variables, for example :

mercure_rocks_jwt_key: "n2r5u8x!A%D*G-KaPdSgVkYp3s6v9y$B"
mercure_rocks_jwt_algorithm: "HS256"

mercure_rocks_jwt_algorithm can be set to "HS256" or "RS512"

Define two different keys for subscribers and publishers

Define mercure_rocks_publisher_jwt_key, mercure_rocks_publisher_jwt_algorithm, mercure_rocks_subscriber_jwt_key and mercure_rocks_subscriber_jwt_algorithm variables based on the same schema than earlier

Define a key for publishers and allow anonymous connection for subscribers

Define mercure_rocks_publisher_jwt_key and mercure_rocks_publisher_jwt_algorithm variables and set mercure_rocks_allow_anonymous to "true"

See all options on Just prefix them with mercure_rocks_ in the role.



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - vars/main.yml
    - { role: teknipc.mercure }

in vars/main.yml

mercure_rocks_jwt_key: "n2r5u8x!A%D*G-KaPdSgVkYp3s6v9y$B"
mercure_rocks_jwt_algorithm: "HS256"
mercure_rocks_release: "0.9.0"



Author Information

This role was created by Denis Soriano from TeKniPC.

Mercure credits :


An Ansible role to deploy Mercure on Linux amd64 with systemd.

ansible-galaxy install teknipc/ansible-role-mercure-rocks
GitHub repository