
Ansible Role: Semaphore

An ansible role to install and configure Ansible Semaphore

This role contains a shell script to bootstrap ansible and semaphore. It handles the setup and installation of all required dependencies.


This role has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 16.10 only.

Bootstrap Installation

If this is a new server, you will want to set the hostname first (hostname server.domain.tld).

Copy and run the following command

sudo apt-get install -y wget &&
  mkdir /tmp/bootstrap &&
  cd /tmp/bootstrap &&
  wget &&
  sudo sh init

You can then customize the configuration in vars.json and run sudo sh execute.


  • semaphore_version: version to install.

    • Default: 2.3.0
    • Options:
      • 2.2.0
      • 2.3.0
  • semaphore_port: port to listen on.

    • Default: 3000
  • semaphore_db_name: the name of the database to create for semaphore.

    • Default: semaphore
  • semaphore_db_auth_user: the name of the application's database user.

    • Default: semaphore
  • semaphore_db_auth_password: the password of the application's database user.

    • Required
  • semaphore_db_auth_privileges: the privileges to grant the application's database user.

    • Default: *.*:ALL
  • semaphore_config_auth_name: the name of the default semaphore application user.

    • Default: Admin
  • semaphore_config_auth_email: the email of the default semaphore application user.

    • Default: root
  • semaphore_config_auth_username: the user of the default semaphore application user.

    • Default: admin
  • semaphore_config_auth_password: the password of the default semaphore application user.

    • Required
  • semaphore_config_data_dir: where to store semaphore config and playbook files.

    • Default: /var/lib/semaphore
  • semaphore_config_log_path: where to store log files.

    • Default: /var/log/semaphore
  • semaphore_config_email_alerts_enable: enable email alertss.

    • Default: no
  • semaphore_config_email_alerts_server: smtp server.

    • Default: localhost
  • semaphore_config_email_alerts_port: smtp port.

    • Default: 25
  • semaphore_config_email_alerts_sender: email sender address.

    • Default: semaphore@localhost
  • semaphore_config_web_root: the web root which you would use to access the application. used in generating urls in alerts.

    • Default: http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ semaphore_port }}/
  • semaphore_config_telegram_alerts_enable: enable telegram alerts.

    • Default: no
  • semaphore_config_telegram_alerts_bot_token: get from @BotFather.

    • Default: ''
  • semaphore_config_telegram_alerts_chat_id: your telegram chat id.

    • Default: ''
  • semaphore_config_ldap_enable: enable ldap authentication.

    • Default: no
  • semaphore_config_ldap_server: ldap server.

    • Default: localhost
  • semaphore_config_ldap_port: ldap port.

    • Default: 389
  • semaphore_config_ldap_use_tls: use tls when connecting to the ldap server.

    • Default: no
  • semaphore_config_ldap_bind_dn: bind dn.

    • Default: cn=user,ou=users,dc=example.tld
  • semaphore_config_ldap_bind_password: .

    • Default: pa55w0rd
  • semaphore_config_ldap_search_dn: search dn.

    • Default: ou=users,dc=example.tld
  • semaphore_config_ldap_search_filter: search filter.

    • Default: (uid=%s)
  • semaphore_config_ldap_mapping_dn_field: mapping to dn field.

    • Default: dn
  • semaphore_config_ldap_mapping_username_field: mapping to username field.

    • Default: uid
  • semaphore_config_ldap_mapping_fullname_field: mapping to fullname field.

    • Default: cn
  • semaphore_config_ldap_mapping_email_field: mapping to email field.

    • Default: mail
  • semaphore_service_user_name: account that will run applicatio service. don't run under root.

    • Default: semaphore

      NOTE: if user does not exist, a service account will be created.

  • semaphore_service_user_password: password of account that will run the password service.

    • Required

      NOTE: not providing this will allow grant passwordless sudo to the account.

      password is needed to run local playbooks from semaphore via become_password.

      Password should be an encrypted value compatible with the ansible user module.

      You can create one using: python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("This is the password", "$1$ThisIsSomeSalt$")'


These variables are relevant only to the bootstrapping process and can be modified in the generated vars.json file.

  • semaphore_db_admin_home: directory to store .my.cnf for mariadb.

    • Default: /root
  • semaphore_db_admin_user: database admin username.

    • Default: admin
  • semaphore_db_admin_password: database admin password.

    • Required
  • semaphore_ansible_cfg_vault_password: vault password.

    • Default: ''
  • semaphore_ansible_cfg_vault_password_file: location of vault password file.

    • Default: /var/lib/semaphore/.vpf
  • semaphore_ansible_cfg_host_key_checking: enable host key checking.

    • Default: False
    • Options:
      • True
      • False
  • semaphore_ansible_cfg_ansible_managed: ansible managed string for managed files. used by some roles.

    • Default: DO NOT MODIFY by hand. This file is under control of Ansible on {host}.

Usage Example

- hosts: all
    semaphore_config_auth_email: '[email protected]'
    semaphore_config_auth_password: '4dm1nPa55w0rd'
    semaphore_service_user_password: '$1$ThisIsSo$RwIOJHdSWIzAJjbvBdbOZ0'
    semaphore_ansible_cfg_vault_password: 'pa55w0rd'
    - thedumbtechguy.semaphore



Author Information

This role was created by TheDumbTechGuy ( twitter | blog | galaxy )



Ansible-Semaphore for Linux.

ansible-galaxy install thedumbtechguy/ansible-role-semaphore
GitHub repository