Vagrant Box
This role is designed to be a Vagrant provisioner to create a Ubuntu/Xenial64 for development with Docker Containers.
Updates and upgrades the box to the latest packages.
Installs or makes sure it is installed:
- python2 (python-minimal)
- python3
- python3-apt
- python3-pip
- python3-venv
- build-essential
- pwgen
- rsyslog-gnutls
- aptitude
Adds the ubuntu user to the docker group.
Configures rsyslog to ship logs to papertrail using tls.
Adds export HOST_IP={ the host ip }
to /home/ubuntu/.profile
Role Variables
Requires a papertrail_server variable. This should be in the form of logsX and is provided by papertrail. The second variable is papertrail_port which is the port papertrail will listen on for your logs. This is also provided by papertrail.
Example Playbook
- hosts: vagrant_box
- { role: tjcim.vagrant-box, tags: 'vagrant-box' }
Author Information
Trevor Christiansen