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Create droplets within the Digital Ocean ecosystem. Tag all droplets to ansible managed tag, return the ip address and droplet ID.


This role does require you to install the dopy python module.

pip install -r requirements.txt

The role will handle creating the ssh key if the do_ssh_key_id is undefined. When using an existing ssh key already within your Digital Ocean account you will need to retrieve the key id and set the variable.

do_ssh_key_id: number

To find your ssh key id you can make a simple GET request to the /v2/account/keys api. API docs can be found here

Role Variables

We require the following variable to be set when including the role. I would suggest setting this variable within a vault file inside your host_vars directory for the endpoint that will be running this play.

do_api_key: string

When the do_ssh_key_id variable is undefined we will check the local system for a public key. When a key is found it will be loaded into your DigitalOcean account. When the key fingerprint matches another key the role will fail since we don't want to step onto of your existing settings. By default the role will look in ~/.ssh/, this value can be overridden by setting the local_pub_key variable to another file. The key name in your DO account will beansible_crtl_hostname of the server this role was executed on.

local_pub_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"

The below variables are set within the defaults directory. These can be overridden if you need to deploy a bigger droplet or change your droplet name or region.

do_api_key: "{{ vault_do_api_key }}"
do_ssh_key_id: "{{ vault_do_ssh_key_id }}"
do_ssh_key_name: "ansible_crtl_{{ ansible_hostname }}"
    - dev0ansible
droplet_size: 512mb
do_region: nyc3
droplet_image_id: centos-6-x64
do_tag_name: ansible_mng

The do_ssh_key_name is used when adding your localhost ssh key to your Digital Ocean account. This will only run when do_ssh_key_id is undefined. When the role executes it will add the ssh key if the key finger print isn't found within your account. For each subsequent run the ssh_key_id will be used. This basically allows you to create an ansible_crtl_hostname key and use that key going forward.

The droplet_name is a list and will default to a single host called dev0ansible. You can increase the number of hosts by adding additional hostnames to your role arguments {"droplet_name":["dev1ansible","dev2ansible"]}

During the droplet provision process two facts will be set within your environment; ddo_group will contain the host ip address and droplet_id will contain the ID. These facts can be used to perform additional operations against the droplet.

Example Playbook

Simple role include example:

    - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
         - { role: toilops.deploy-digital-ocean, droplet_name: ["dev2ansible","dev3ansible"] }



Author Information

Find me on github @BondAnthony


Deploy droplets on the Digital Ocean ecosystem.

ansible-galaxy install toilops/deploy-digital-ocean
GitHub repository