
An Ansible role for creating an MOTD banner when logging into yout server.

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ansible-role-deluge is a high-quality Ansible Role that deploys Deluge 2.x to your ansible clients.



ansible-galaxy install totaldebug.deluge

Role Variables


Input Default Description
deluge_service_user deluge Username for the service account
deluge_service_group deluge Group for the service account
deluged_port 58846 Deluge port
deluge_home /var/lib/deluge Sets the default home for the deluge service account, config will be stored here
deluge_download_location {{ deluge_home }}/downloads Downloaded file directory
deluge_move_completed_path '{{ deluge_download_location }}' Completed downloads path
deluge_torrentfiles_location '{{ deluge_download_location }}' Deluge torrent file location
deluge_user_service_dir /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service.d/ Sets the directory for the user service config
deluge_core_conf_template core.conf.j2 allows the use of a custom config file see custom templates below
deluge_plugins add a list of plugins that you want to be enabled

Deluge Web

Input Default Description
deluge_web true Installs the deluge-web component
deluge_web_port 8112 Change the web port for the portal
deluge_web_user_service_dir /etc/systemd/system/deluge-web.service.d/ Sets the directory for the user service config
deluge_web_conf_template web.conf.j2 allows the use of a custom config file see custom templates below


Input Default Description
enable_logging false Enables logging
deluge_log_dir /var/log/deluge/ Log location
deluge_log_level warning Level of logging

Custom Template

The deluge core.conf and web.conf templates packaged with this role are meant to be very generic. Allowing to set every possible option in there from the role would be overlly complicated for maintenance.

If the default template does not suit your needs, you can replace it with yours. What you need to do:

  • create a templates directory at the same level as your playbook
  • create a templates\mycore.conf.j2 file (just choose a different name from the default template)
  • in your playbook set the var default_web_conf_template: mycore.conf.j2

Example Playbook

- host: all
    - totaldebug/deluge


Install Deluge 2.x ✔️
Install Deluge Web ✔️
Custom config templates ✔️
Setup Log Rotation ✔️
Setup Log Level ✔️
Configure custom ports ✔️
Enable plugins ✔️
Ubuntu Support ✔️
RedHat / CentOS 8 Support ✔️
Systemd Services ✔️


Got something interesting you'd like to share? Learn about contributing.


This project follows semantic versioning.

In the context of semantic versioning, consider the role contract to be defined by the role variables.

  • Breaking Changes or changes that require user intervention will increase the major version. This includes changing the default value of a role variable.
  • Changes that do not require user intervention, but add new features, will increase the minor version.
  • Bug fixes will increase the patch version.


marksie1988 (Steven Marks)


Reach out to me at one of the following places:

  • via Discord
  • Raise an issue in GitHub

Please consider supporting this project by sponsoring, or just donating a little via our sponsor page


License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Deluge2 install & configuration

ansible-galaxy install totaldebug/ansible-role-deluge
GitHub repository