

This role installs Minecraft or Spigot and configures it to run under systemd or Supervisor.

credit to devops-coop who created most of this release.


ansible-galaxy install totaldebug.minecraft


  • supports vanilla Minecraft and Spigot
  • supports Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04, RHEL/CentOS 7 and RHEL/CentOS 8
  • safely stops the server using stop when running under systemd
  • Uses Github Actions & molecule to run integration tests
  • manages user ACLs
  • manages server.properties
  • hooks: include arbitrary tasks at specific stages during execution

Role Variables

Role variables

The following variable defaults are defined in defaults/main.yml.

minecraft_server_type choose between minecraft or spigot (default: minecraft)

minecraft_version Minecraft version to install (default: latest)


.. code:: yaml

   minecraft_version: latest
   minecraft_version: 1.10
   minecraft_version: 1.9.1
   minecraft_version: 16w21a

minecraft_server_download_url Minecraft download URL (default: https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects)

minecraft_server_download_checksum Minecraft download URL Checksum

minecraft_user system user Minecraft runs as (default: minecraft)

minecraft_group system group Minecraft runs as (default: minecraft)

minecraft_home directory to install Minecraft to (default: /srv/minecraft)

minecraft_max_memory Java max memory (-Xmx) to allocate (default: 1024M)

minecraft_initial_memory Java initial memory (-Xms) to allocate (default: 1024M)

minecraft_service_name systemd service name or Supervisor program name (default: minecraft)

minecraft_supervisor_name DEPRECATED: Supervisor program name (default: {{ minecraft_service_name }})

minecraft_process_control Choose between systemd and supervisor (default: systemd).

minecraft_whitelist list of Minecraft usernames to whitelist (default: [])

minecraft_ops list of Minecraft usernames to make server ops (default: [])

minecraft_banned_players list of Minecraft usernames to ban (default: [])

minecraft_banned_ips list of IP addresses to ban (default: [])

minecraft_server_properties dictionary of server.properties entries (e.g. server-port: 25565) to set (default: {})

Hooks and run stages

ansible-minecraft organizes execution into a number of run stages:


  • install prerequisites (e.g., Java)
  • create Minecraft user and group


  • fetch the latest version of from the launcher API
  • download Minecraft


  • symlink version to minecraft_server.jar
  • agree to EULA


  • configure server ACLs (whitelist, banned players, etc.)


  • set server.properties


  • (re)start server

You can execute custom tasks before or after specific stages. Simply specify a task include file <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_roles.html#task-include-files-and-encouraging-reuse>__ using the relevant role variable:

.. code:: yaml

- hosts: minecraft
    - role: devops-coop.minecraft
      minecraft_hook_before_start: "{{ playbook_dir }}/download-world-from-s3.yml"

The available hooks are:

minecraft_hook_before_setup run before setup tasks

minecraft_hook_after_setup run after setup tasks

minecraft_hook_before_download run before download tasks

minecraft_hook_after_download run after download tasks

minecraft_hook_before_install run before install tasks

minecraft_hook_after_install run after install tasks

minecraft_hook_before_start run before start tasks

minecraft_hook_after_start run after start tasks


.. code:: yaml

- hosts: minecraft
     - { role: devops-coop.minecraft, minecraft_whitelist: ["jeb_", "dinnerbone"]}


Pull requests are welcome. Among other features, this role lacks support for custom Minecraft servers.


This project follows semantic versioning.

In the context of semantic versioning, consider the role contract to be defined by the role variables.

  • Breaking Changes or changes that require user intervention will increase the major version. This includes changing the default value of a role variable.
  • Changes that do not require user intervention, but add new features, will increase the minor version.
  • Bug fixes will increase the patch version.

Provisions a vanilla minecraft or spigot server

ansible-galaxy install totaldebug/ansible-role-minecraft
GitHub repository