

The goal of this role is to bring a machine up as generically as possible, secure enough to face the public Internet and not immediately melt.

At a high level:

  • Install Fail2ban, to make malicious authentication attempts harder
  • Disable root user SSH
  • Disable password SSH authentication for everyone (keys only)
  • Disable SSH and sudo access for everyone, and create and configure a set of whitelisted users
  • Limit SSH access to a specific IP address range
  • Install ufw and disable all traffic, with configurable port exceptions (optional)
  • Install unattended-upgrades and configure for automatic apt package security updates
  • Install an ntp server to ensure reliable system time
  • Install logwatch and configure to email daily log reports to an admin email address

Obviously this is a role best inspected for details before using, as no possible guarantees can be made about security.



Role Variables

See the comment in the default variables file for information on configuration.



Example Playbook

- hosts: whatever
    - triplepoint.secure_device

Role Testing

This role is tested with molecule, using pipenv to handle dependencies and the Python testing environment.

Setting Up Your Execution Environment

pip install pipenv

Once you have pipenv installed, you can build the execution virtualenv with:

pipenv install --dev

Running Tests

Once you have your environment configured, you can execute molecule with:

pipenv run molecule test

Regenerating the Lock File

You shouldn't have to do this very often, but if you change the Python package requirements using pipenv install {some_package} commands or by editing the Pipfile directly, or if you find the build dependencies have fallen out of date, you might need to regenerate the Pipfile.lock.

pipenv update --dev

Be sure and check in the regenerated Pipfile.lock when this process is complete.




A role responsible for some basic security tweaks for internet-facing machines

ansible-galaxy install triplepoint/ansible-secure-device
GitHub repository