
NSX-vSphere Tags Ansible Role

This role creates categories and tags in vCenter. For each category/tag with configured VMs, the respective scope/tag will be configured in NSX-T. In that case, if a Category/Tag is created in vCenter, but not added to any VM, the respective Scope/Tag will not be created in NSX-T.

At this present version, this role creates tags in vCenter and creates the same tags in NSX-T when there is at least one VM with the tag associated. However, tag removal from vCenter and adding tag into VMs are not in scope of this role.

Table of Contents


This role uses Community VMware and VMware Ansible for NSX-T Collections. It is also necessary to install vSphere Automation SDK and pyvmomi Python modules.

The NSX-T Ansible Collection and vSphere Automation SDK are installed directly from Github, as shown below:

ansible-galaxy collection install git+https://github.com/vmware/ansible-for-nsxt

pip install git+https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python.git

This role has been tested with the following versions of the mentioned Ansible Collections:

  • community.vmware == 1.18.0
  • vmware.ansible_for_nsxt == 3.2.0

Role Variables

basic variables:

  • vcenter_hostname: vCenter hostname (type: String, default: vcenter.local)
  • nsx_hostname: NSX-T hostname (type: String, default: nsx.local)
  • vcenter_username: vCenter user name (type: String, default: administrator@vsphere.local)
  • vcenter_password: vCenter user password (type: String, default: VMware1!)
  • nsx_username: NSX-T user password (type: String, default: admin)
  • nsx_password: NSX-T user password (type: String, default: VMware1!VMware1!)
  • validate_certs: if certificates must be validated during connection (type: Boolean, default: false)

NSX-T variables:

  • remove_other_tags: if tags not declared for the VM in vSphere must be removed in NSX-T (type: Boolean, default: false)
  • nsx_ignore_errors: if must ignore errors during Tag creation in NSX-T (type: Boolean, default: false)

vCenter variables:

  • vm_root_folder: folder in which VMs will be checked for tags (type: String, default: /Datacenter/vm)
  • category_state: state of the category ([present, absent], default: present)
  • tag_state: state of the tag ([present, absent], default: present)

Tags variable:

  • nsx_vsphere_tags: hash of scopes/tags to be created. Default:
    - name: nsx-vsphere-demo-scope
      description: Tags created in vSphere and in NSX-T
        - name: demo-tag
          description: Demo tag

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: Create tag demo in vCenter vcenter.local and in NSX-T nsx.local if there is any VM with this tag in vCenter
  hosts: vmwareinfra
  connection: local

    - roles/nsx-vsphere-tags
        - name: demo
          description: Demo scope
            - name: demo
              description: Demo tag


  • v1.0.0: Creates tags in vCenter and sync tags with associated VMs to NSX-T
  • v1.1.0: Added variable nsx_ignore_errors, which makes possible to execute the playbook even though the VM is not found in NSX-T



Author Information

Vinicius Porto Lima - viniciusmaximus@gmail.com

Github - https://github.com/vinplima


Creates tags in vCenter and syncs them with NSX-T

ansible-galaxy install vinplima/ansible-role-nsx-vsphere-tags
GitHub repository