Greengrass AWSCLI
This role provides an installed and configured AWS CLI, ready to call Greengrass and other AWS APIs.
Build Status
You will need to supply AWS credentials to run this role.
Role Variables
You will most likely need to set all of the following values.
# The following come from the AWS Console
aws_access_key=<your AWS access key>
aws_secret_key=<your AWS secret key>
This role has no particular dependencies. It has only been tested on Ubuntu/Debian.
Example Playbook
Here's an example playbook:
- hosts: servers
- { role: vmware.awscli }
Getting Started
For development or testing of this role, follow these steps.
- Clone this repo
- Install ansible and other requirements with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- You can test the role with:
molecule converge
Alternatively, you can build a docker container and test that way.
- Clone this repo
- Build the docker images
docker build -t vmware/awscli .
- Run the image on the target role
docker run -it vmware/awscli
This code is Dual Licensed Apache-2.0 or GPLv3