
Ansible role votum.magento2

Build Status Ansible role to install Magento2 e-commerce system.


This role depends on the Magerun2 cli tool being installed on the remote server. See for install instructions.

Role Variables

Available variables with their default values are listed below. (see also defaults/main.yml)

magento2_instance_name: "magento2"

The instance name is used as a label mainly for the cronjobs. Usefull in case u want to install more than one magento instance on the same server with this role.

magento2_version_to_install: "magento-ce-2.0.7"

Magento version string of the version to install. Version strings are taken from the magerun2 install command. Possible values are:

magento-ce-2.1.0 magento-ce-2.0.7 magento-ce-2.0.6 magento-ce-2.0.5 magento-ce-2.0.4 magento-ce-2.0.2 magento-ce-2.0.1 magento-ce-2.0.0 ... (you should've got the idea)

magento2_install_path: "/var/www"

Installation path of the Magento root. Note: This is not the web root of the vhost. The vhost should point to {{magento2_install_path}}/pub.

magento2_magerun_bin_path: "/usr/local/bin/n98-magerun2.phar"

Path to the Magerun2 binary. The install process rests upon the Magerun2 CLI tool. See and for more information and ways to install it.

magento2_install_sample_data: true

Whether to install sample data or not. Default is true.

magento2_enable_crons: true

Wheter to activate the Magento2 cron jobs. Default is true.

magento2_auth_public_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
magento2_auth_private_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

To install Magento2 via composer you need a developers account with Magento. Put your public and private key here to enable unattended installation via your credentials. See for further information about Magento2 authentication keys.

magento2_db_host: ""
magento2_db_name: "magento2"
magento2_db_user: "root"
magento2_db_password: ""
magento2_db_prefix: ""

Set Magento2's database config with this variables. Pretty self explanatory. Note: If your database runs on a different port you kann pass it to the magento2_db_host variable using the notation.

magento2_language: "en_US"
magento2_currency: "USD"
magento2_timezone: "Europe/Berlin"

Additional Magento2 default install params for language, currency and timezone. For possible values see ./bin/magento info:language:list, ./bin/magento info:currency:list and ./bin/magento info:timezone:list.

magento2_admin_firstname: "John"
magento2_admin_lastname: "Doe"
magento2_admin_email: "[email protected]"
magento2_admin_user: "admin"
magento2_admin_password: "admin123"

Admin login details.

magento2_backend_frontname: "admin"

URL path to admin backend.

magento2_base_url: "{{ '{{base_url}}' }}"
magento2_base_url_secure: ""

The base urls (secure for HTTPS protected areas like customer account and checkout). Note: URLs have to be provided including protocolls and trailing slashes. Defaults to {{URL}} which should read the URL from vhost config. As of now this is not always working as expected.

magento2_use_rewrites: "1"

Use web server rewrites for generated links in the storefront and Admin.

magento2_use_secure: "1"

Use secure URLs. Enable this option only if SSL is available.

magento2_use_secure_admin: "1"

Use SSL to access the Magento Admin. Make sure your web server supports SSL before you select this option.

magento2_use_security_key: "1"

Whether to use a "security key" feature in Magento Admin URLs and forms.

magento2_session_save: "files"

Session save handler (default: "files").

magento2_cleanup_database: "1"

Cleanup the database before installation

magento2_key: ""

If you have one, specify a key to encrypt sensitive data in the Magento2 database. If you don't have one, leave it empty and Magento2 generates one for you.

magento2_sales_order_increment_prefix: ""

Specify a string value to use as a prefix for sales orders. Typically, this is used to guarantee unique order numbers for payment processors.



Example Playbook

- name: setup demo installation magento-ce-2.0
  hosts: app

    - group_vars/main.yml
    - group_vars/magento2-ce20-demo.yml

  pre_tasks: []

    - { role: votum.magerun2 }
    - { role: votum.magento2, ansible_become: yes, ansible_become_user: www-data }

  post_tasks: []



Author Information

Copyright VOTUM GmbH (


Installs Magento2 e-commerce software

ansible-galaxy install votum/ansible-role-magento2
GitHub repository