
Webarchitects yq Ansible role

pipeline status

An ansible role to install yq on Debian and Ubuntu using binary files downloaded from GitHub.

Role Variables

This role has four default variables, set yq to true for the tasks in this role to be run, it defaults to false, see also the meta/argument_specs.yml.

Variable name Default value Comment
yq false Run the tasks in this role, set to false for all tasks to be skipped
yq_completion - bash An array of shell completions to install, currently only bash is supported
yq_verify true Verify all variables that start with yq_
yq_version latest Set to a release version number to install a version other than the latest


This role can also be used with the localhost repo to install yq locally.


The primary URL of this repo is https://git.coop/webarch/yq however it is also mirrored to GitHub and available via Ansible Galaxy.

If you use this role please use a tagged release, see the release notes.

Copyright 2022-2023 Chris Croome, <[email protected]>.

This role is released under the same terms as Ansible itself, the GNU GPLv3.


Ansible role for installing yq on Debian and Ubuntu servers

ansible-galaxy install webarch-coop/ansible-role-yq
GitHub repository
Multi-stakeholder co-operative which provides ethical & green, web hosting, virtual servers and GNU/Linux sysadmin & devop services, code at git.coop/webarch