

Installs and configures a Reverse Proxy based on nginx with acme·sh.
Creates some snippets for sites in nginx and configures sites itself.

Certificates are automatically retrieved using the xolyu.acmesh role and included for the particular site.




xolyu.acmesh - For requesting certificates from Let's Encrypt.

Role Variables

  • rpx_role_execution
    Controls the scope of role execution.
    With normal everything is executed, first the installation and configuration of nginx is ensured, then the sites are configured. With without_sites the sites configuration is disabled, the first part is executed normally. With only_sites only the sites are configured, make sure that the installation and configuration of nginx has already taken place earlier.
    Choices: normal, only_sites, without_sites
    Default: normal

  • nginx_repo
    Defines the sources repository of nginx.
    Default: OS based, uses nginx Mainline repository

  • nginx_logdir
    Defines the log directory of nginx. Has to be an absolute path.
    Default: OS based (Debian based systems: /var/log/nginx)

  • nginx_dir
    Defines the config directory of nginx. Has to be an absolute path.
    Default: OS based (Debian based systems: /etc/nginx)

  • nginx_ssl_dir
    Defines the SSL directory of nginx. A relative path is considered relative to nginx_dir. Can also be an absolute path.
    Default: ssl

  • nginx_snippets_dir
    Defines the SSL directory of nginx. A relative path is considered relative to nginx_dir. Can also be an absolute path.
    Default: snippets

  • nginx_sites_dir
    Defines the SSL directory of nginx. A relative path is considered relative to nginx_dir. Can also be an absolute path.
    Default: sites.d

  • rpx_cert_dir
    Path where the certificates are stored by acme·sh. If acme·sh is pre-integrated as a role, the value in the variable acmesh_cert_dir is available, this is used if rpx_cert_dir is not explicitly defined.
    Default: uses value of variable acmesh_cert_dir otherwise fallback to /etc/acme-certs

nginx & SSL/TLS configuration

  • nginx_worker_processes
    Number of worker processes from nginx. See worker_processes in nginx docs.
    Default: 1

  • nginx_ssl_protocols
    SSL protocols nginx works with. See ssl_protocols in nginx docs.
    Choices: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3
    Type: List of Strings
    Default: ['TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.3']

  • nginx_ssl_ecdh_curve
    ECDH curves nginx uses. See ssl_ecdh_curve in nginx docs.
    Choices: Depends on OpenSSL library
    Type: List of Strings
    Default: ['X25519', 'secp521r1', 'secp384r1', 'prime256v1']

  • nginx_ssl_ciphers
    Ciphers in nginx notation, separated by :.
    Type: String (spaces will be eliminated)
    Default: see defaults/main.yml

  • nginx_ssl_session_cache_size
    Default: 20m

  • nginx_ssl_session_timeout
    Default: 12h

  • rpx_dhparam_source
    Defines how the dhparam is created, whether it is generated on-demand by OpenSSL, which can take some time, or a 2048-bit dhparam is downloaded from Mozilla.
    Choices: generate_by_openssl, download_from_mozilla
    Default: generate_by_openssl

  • rpx_dhparam_numbits
    Defines the bit length of the dhparam when generated by OpenSSL.
    Choices: 2048, 3072, 4096 (or every value possible by OpenSSL and nginx)
    Default: 4096

  • nginx_enable_hsts
    Type: Boolean
    Default: yes

  • nginx_hsts_default_header
    Default: max-age=63072000

  • nginx_enable_ocsp_stapling
    Type: Boolean
    Default: yes

  • nginx_ocsp_stapling_resolver

Error page configuration

  • rpx_error_page_file
    Name for the error page file with placeholder for the error number.
    Default: HTTP##errno##.html

  • rpx_error_page_file_placeholder
    Placeholder of the error numbers in the file name of the error page.
    Default: ##errno##

  • rpx_error_page_url_dir
    URL path for internal redirection when error pages are delivered. See error_page and internal in nginx docs.
    Default: /__rpx_error_page/

  • rpx_path_error_pages
    Path where the error pages are stored.
    Default: /var/www/error_pages/

  • rpx_error_pages
    Definition of error pages with error code, title and message.
    Type: List of Dicts
    Sub keys are: code, title, message
    Default: see vars/main.yml, variable _rpx_error_pages
    Pre-defined for codes: [400, 401, 403, 404, 500, 501, 502, 503, 520, 521, 533]

  • rpx_error_numbers
    List of all error numbers for which an error page is to be created.
    Type: List of Integers
    Default: all error codes from rpx_error_pages

  • rpx_error_page_url
    The generic complete URL of an error page.
    Default: value of rpx_error_page_url_dir concatenated with value of rpx_error_page_file

  • rpx_error_page_urls
    Dict of all error numbers with the complete and concrete URL of the error page.
    Type: Dict

  • rpx_error_page_show_message
    Defines whether the error message should be integrated into the error page.
    Type: Boolean
    Default: yes

Default Site

  • rpx_default_site_name
    Name of nginx default site.
    Default: 000_default

  • rpx_default_site_function
    Defines the function or behavior of the default site.
    Choices: error_page, static_content
    Default: error_page

  • rpx_default_site_error_code
    The error code if an error page is to be supplied.
    Default: 404

  • rpx_default_site_content_path
    The path in the file system if static content is to be delivered.
    Default: undefined

Defaults for Sites

Nginx's measurement units for
→ times: ms, s, m, h
→ data: k/K, m/M, g/G.

Sites of the reverse proxy

Sites are defined with rpx_sites as an List of Dicts.
Default: []
Only sites that are defined are handled, i.e. sites that are not defined remain untouched, in particular they are not automatically deleted.

Dict configuration of a single site

  • domain (required)
    The main domain. Identifier for the configuration and primary domain (CN) in the certificate.

  • additional_domains
    Additional domains, e.g. for certificate requesting.
    Type: List of Strings
    Default: []

  • state
    Indicates the desired site state.
    Choices: present, disabled, absent
    Default: present

    Meaning of the state for different components:

    state site config certificate log dir
    present created/updated issued/enabled created
    disabled disabled disabled remains
    absent removed disabled removed
  • proxy_pass (required)
    The proxy pass URL.

  • access_log_for_proxy_pass
    Defines whether the accesses should be logged on reverse proxy or not.
    Type: Boolean
    Default: no

  • enable_hsts
    Type: Boolean
    Default: value of nginx_enable_hsts

  • hsts_header
    Default: value of nginx_hsts_default_header

  • enable_ocsp_stapling
    Type: Boolean
    Default: value of nginx_enable_ocsp_stapling

  • ocsp_stapling_resolver
    Default: value of nginx_ocsp_stapling_resolver

  • extra
    Key-value pairs of nginx configuration parameters which are printed into the server block.
    Type: Dict
    Possible keys could be, for example: client_max_body_size, proxy_buffering, proxy_read_timeout
    Default Key-values:

      client_max_body_size: 128m
      proxy_buffering: off
      proxy_request_buffering: off
      proxy_read_timeout: 3h
  • extra_block
    nginx configuration, which is copied 1:1 to the server block of the site configuration.
    Type: String/Block
    Default: undefined

  • issue_cert
    Defines whether a certificate should be requested for the site or not. The role xolyu.acmesh is used for certificate requesting.
    Type: Boolean
    Default: yes

Minimal rpx_sites configuration:

  - domain: service.example.org

Example Playbook

Minimal example for installing acme·sh and nginx prepared as a reverse proxy.

- hosts: rpx_server
    - role: xolyu.acmesh
      acmesh_ensure_requirements: yes
    - role: xolyu.rpx_nginx

Example with minimal site configuration

- hosts: rpx_server
      - domain: service.example.org
    - role: xolyu.acmesh
      acmesh_ensure_requirements: yes
    - role: xolyu.rpx_nginx

For testing purpose use test certificates from Let's Encrypt for nginx sites.
⇒ Define acmesh_default_cert_test: yes, a variable from role xolyu.acmesh.

- hosts: rpx_server
    acmesh_default_cert_test: yes
      - domain: service.example.org
    - role: xolyu.acmesh
      acmesh_ensure_requirements: yes
    - role: xolyu.rpx_nginx


GNU General Public License v3.0

Author Information



nginx installation and configuration as reverse proxy

ansible-galaxy install xolyu/ansible-role-rpx_nginx
GitHub repository