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Simple role for package management aware renaming of files.

Allows to move files which were installed by a package and to inform the package manager about the change so that it can do the right thing when the moved file is later installed again by a package upgrade. The right thing in this context is to map all new versions to the diverted location and to avoid touching the original file.

This role is intended to work with all package managers which can be informed about such changes.

Currently supported package managers


This role requires at least Ansible v2.1.4. To install it, run:

ansible-galaxy install ypid.divert

To install via git, run either:

git clone https://github.com/ypid/ansible-divert.git ypid.divert
git submodule add https://github.com/ypid/ansible-divert.git ypid.divert

Role variables

List of default variables available in the inventory:

# Default variables
# =================

# .. contents:: Sections
#    :local:
# ------------------------------------
#   File lists to divert
# ------------------------------------

# .. envvar:: divert__files
# "Global" list of files to divert.
# Examples:
# .. code: YAML
#    divert__files:
#      - original: '/usr/bin/man'
#        diverted: '/usr/local/bin/rtfm'
divert__files: []

# .. envvar:: divert__group_files
# "Host group" list of files to divert.
divert__group_files: []

# .. envvar:: divert__host_files
# "Host" list of files to divert.
divert__host_files: []

# .. envvar:: divert__file_suffix
# Default file suffix to use when ``item.diverted`` has not been specified.
divert__file_suffix: '.dpkg-orig'

List of internal variables used by the role:


Authors and license

divert role was written by:

License: AGPLv3

README generated by Ansigenome.


Simple role for package management aware renaming of files.

ansible-galaxy install ypid/ansible-divert
GitHub repository
Working on Free Software as in Freedom. EDE1 371D 1B87 D28D A5E8 0515 86FD 980B BF1A 40F8