
Solaris PCA Patching - ABE setup

Ansible Role for fully patching an ABE in solaris 10 with ZFS root and PCA+live upgrade


This role will setup a PCA working environment using the ansible server as a PCA proxy-style host that will push patches to hosts based on configured rules. The schedule settings result in a quarterly refresh of patchdiag.xref

ABE Activation and Reboot is to be done under a separate role, solaris-pca-abereboot

Name Default Value Description
solaris_pca_operand missingrs PCA operands to use for patching, see PCA documentation for possible values
solaris_pca_update true Controls if the playbook will attempt PCA autoupdate
mos_user This needs to be changed to a valid MOS username, to fetch patches
mos_password abcd1234 MOS password for above MOS username
pca_basedir /var/pca Path to ansible master pca installation/repo
pca_tempdir /var/tmp Temp dir to be used in target hosts for storing patches and other data
pca_prereq prereq_list.txt prepreq patches that should be installed to avoid issues with patching process
pca_downloadfirst true Controls if playbook should download a copy of the PCA script validated with checksum from the official site
pca_patchdiag_minute_schedule '0' Controls cron job for patchdiag.xref download
pca_patchdiag_hour_schedule '0' Controls cron job for patchdiag.xref download
pca_patchdiag_dom_schedule '1' Controls cron job for patchdiag.xref download
pca_patchdiag_monthly_schedule '*/3' Controls cron job for patchdiag.xref download
pca_patchdiag_dow_schedule '*' Controls cron job for patchdiag.xref download
pca_ignorelist empty PCA ignore list, as given in PCA documentation (quote for space separated list)
upgrade_zfs Controls if the role will perform zpool and zfs upgrade operations. This is disabled by default as it is not always safe

Available tags are:

Name Description
health Checks ZFS for health and mirrored status
setup Does all PCA setup and configuration readiness for each host
cleanup Gets rid of preexisting unwanted unmanaged BEs
stage Downloads required patches from Oracle and places them in common repo
check Performs space checks on target hosts for ABE install and patch
deploy Copies patches and PCA required files to target hosts
install Creates ABE, installs prereqs and patches ABE

Role for automated solaris patching (ZFS root, ABE, PCA)

ansible-galaxy install scathatheworm/solaris-pca-patching
GitHub repository
IT stuff.